How to donate clothes, furniture and everything else in the Netherlands

How do you donate clothes, furniture, and other stuff around your house in the Netherlands? Can you give all these things to charity shops or second-hand stores? And what on earth is a kringloop?

We’ve all been there: hit by an irresistible urge to spring clean (possibly to procrastinate something more important) that results in an immense pile of clothes, furniture and general bits-and-bobs that we suddenly realise we don’t want anymore.

But even though it’s easily done, throwing these possessions away always feels like a bit of a waste — either you’ve spent lots of money on them, or they’re still usable.

Many of us have become more mindful of where our stuff actually goes when we throw it out: if we donate it, it gets a second life. 

Donating is probably the first thing that comes to mind for a lot of us in this situation — but what can you donate in the Netherlands? And where? And how?

Never fear; we’re here to answer all your burning questions about donating your loved goods in the Netherlands.

Donating furniture in the Netherlands

Get your old stuff out there and on sale at the flea market. Image: Depositphotos

Furniture is probably the thing you’ll want to throw away the least because it’s so expensive to buy in the first place. 🙄

But, there comes a time in every couch, table, and bed frame’s life when it just doesn’t work in your home anymore.

Your sofa might be looking a bit worse for wear after years of you flopping down onto it after a long day; or maybe that lime green dining table you bought as a student isn’t really fitting with the mid-twenties professional style you’re trying to cultivate. 🛋

So, where can you donate furniture in the Netherlands?

The Kringloop

Find your local Kringloop, of course! Kringloop is the Dutch word for a second-hand store, and depending on their size and what they specialise in selling, they’ll probably be interested in your old furniture if it’s still useable.

Sell on Facebook

If your furniture is truly beyond its sell-by date, you can try Facebook! There are lots of groups for buying and selling goods in each city.

You can list your furniture for free and someone will snap it up in minutes — often, they’ll be willing to pick it up themselves as well. If it’s really nice furniture, someone might even be willing to pay quite a bit of money for it.

READ MORE | 8 tips to save you money when moving to the Netherlands

Finally, if you’re a thousand per cent sure that nobody, not even the most desperate of students, would want your furniture, you can request that the municipality come and pick it up.

The best part? That’s also totally free. 🤑

Where can I donate clothes in the Netherlands?

Secondhand donation gives your items a second chance at life! Image: Depositphotos

The amount of time we wear a piece of clothing has halved in the past twenty years. So donating your clothes after you’re done with them is a really good way to help the environment. 🌳

You also have the added peace of mind that someone else is enjoying something you once loved. 😍

The best thing to do with clothes is to bring them to specific second-hand clothes shops. There will be several in each major city, usually associated with one charity or another. Try googling “doneer tweedehands kleding [your city]” and lots should pop up.

Otherwise, there should be a textile recycling bin nearby. They’re often placed alongside the paper, glass and plastic recycling bins provided by the municipality.

Where to donate other items in the Netherlands

Often, it’s this category that’s hardest to figure out. Does anyone really want the weird oversized pink glass bottle that you unwillingly have in your possession? And what about your kids’ toys? Usually, the answer is a surprising yes!

It’s generally random objects like these that make up the majority of the goods a kringloop has, and I can tell you as a frequent kringloop visitor myself, these are the most fun to look through (the amount of plant pots I’ve found this way is frankly staggering).

Hopefully, you can find a new home for all those random bits and bobs. Image: Unsplash

The best way to donate these is to fill up a box and bring it to your local kringloop. They might choose not to accept some things, especially if they already have plenty of them in stock.

Have you had any experiences with second-hand stores in the Netherlands? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image:Unsplash
Ailish Lalor
Ailish Lalor
Ailish was born in Sydney, Australia, but grew up by a forest in south-east Ireland, which she has attempted to replace with a living room filled with plants in The Hague. Besides catering to her army of pannenkoekenplantjes, Ailish spends her days convincing her friends that all food is better slightly burnt, plotting ways to hang out with dogs and cats, and of course, writing for DutchReview.

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  1. One of the most useful articles I’ve read in a while, you wrote EXACTLY the thing I needed to know about, Thank you!!

  2. You’re forgetting about local weggeefhoeken (give away corners) and weggeefgroepen (giveaway groups) on fb.
    Just type either name in followed by your town’s name or phone area code.
    Become a member, photograph what you want to get rid of and they will pick it up from your garden after you’ve made an appointment.

    No bringing it somewhere, just wait until it gets picked up. We’ve given away and found a lot of useful things on those groups.👍

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