How Dutch people get rid of their Christmas trees

It warms the heart 🔥

Where do all the Christmas trees in the Netherlands go after the holidays? Unfortunately, not a better place.

Quite a few internationals have asked us how to get rid of their Christmas trees in the Netherlands. They thought that a neatly organised country had some kind of decent system in place.

Indeed, in some municipalities, there’s a pick-up scheme for Christmas trees right after New Year’s Day.

But there’s, of course, a traditional way of getting rid of the old tree in the Netherlands that warms my heart, figuratively and literally.

Travelling by bike to dump your Christmas tree? No problem! Images: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Lots of people making their way to get rid of Christmas trees in a bonfire. Images: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied

Burning the old Christmas tree

As a kid, I grew up with the burning of Christmas trees tradition that takes place every year in the Netherlands the more trees burning, the better!

It brings back the primal being in you, and, well, big fires are awesome!

So, at DutchReview, we totally dig this photo report by Renzo Gerritsen on a good-old-burn-your-tree gathering in Amsterdam: it’s seriously lit!

READ MORE | Christmas in the Netherlands: your guide to Dutch holiday foods and celebrations

If you like Renzo’s photos, then follow his Facebook page.

Bye 2024! Images: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Young-children-in-winter-coats-walk around-with-small-christmas-trees
Children carrying their Christmas trees to a bonfire. Even the little ones are in on it! Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Can’t be a tradition in the Netherlands without a bicycle. Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Amsterdam after the fire. Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
A crowd awaits the yearly spectacle of the Christmas Tree bonfire. Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Just WOW! Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Groups of Dutch children marvelling at the sight. Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Huge flames! Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Doie doie Christmas tree! Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Safety first! Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied
Another one to the fire! Image: Renzo Gerritsen/Supplied

How do you get rid of Christmas tree in your home country? Tell us in the comments below!

Abuzer van Leeuwen 🇳🇱
Abuzer van Leeuwen 🇳🇱
Abuzer founded DutchReview a decade ago because he thought expats needed it and wanted to make amends for the Dutch cuisine. He has a Masters in Political Science and IT but somewhere always wanted to study history or good old football. He also a mortgage in the Netherlands and will happily tell you too how to get one. Born and raised in Rotterdam, Abuzer now lives in Leiden but is always longing back to his own international year in Italy.

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  1. There’s got to be a better way than this… We snuck into the woods and replanted ours (it still had its roots). It’s probably better than burning it in the street, but I doubt the boswachter would approve.
    What’s needed is Christmas Tree Rental – you rent your own tree in a pot, to be taken away and replanted after Christmas. I think some options for this exist, but we couldn’t find anything locally.

  2. I personally contacted one of these tree recycle companies in Amsterdam and they told me if I didn’t buy from them they wouldn’t care to collect it and replant it. We bought it in the supermarket with roots to keep it alive. What can we do? Who to contact? Can we just go to a park and try to replant it? I just wouldn’t like to see ours following the same destiny as the hundreds burnt or in the streets. Thank you in advance for the answers:)

    • I can’t figure out what to do with mine either! I bought one with the roots assuming there would be options to replant after the holidays. Yet, everyone I’ve asked has responded with confusion and/or annoyance. The Netherlands believes itself to be forward-thinking when it comes to sustainability, so it’s strange to me that the culture so vehemently embraces this incredibly wasteful tradition.

      • Did you figure out how to recycle your xmas tree? I’m from Eindhoven and I have one which is dying. I’d love to know if there’s any way to gently recycle it. Please let me know if you’ve any ideas.

  3. What a waste! In my town in Ontario, Canada they are collected mid January by the town. The works department grinds them up into mulch. Some is used to put around new plantings, parks, etc. The rest is mixed into mulch and sold to the public. I’m not a tree hugger by any means but I think this is a better and safer solution.

  4. In Gemeente Velsen, Noord Holland, Mid January kids receive one Euro to every used tree they bring to the square (Plein) of every village. The municipality team grinds it on the spot and transform it into mulch. Some is used to put around new plantings, parks, etc. The rest is mixed into mulch and sold to the public. This is a good way to get rid of it easy, economic and environment friendly and engagement of the young community in a simple symbolic paid work.


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