Let’s be honest, times have changed since the days when our grandparents could walk into a company, inform the manager they were looking for a job, and then be told to report for work the next day. In 2021 it’s safe to say that the process is well… complicated.
The Netherlands is an increasingly popular destination for international job-seekers, and there are lots of jobs to be had. But they’re also hard to land — especially as an international.
Who are The Ambitious and what do they do?
Luckily, Madeline and Dorian (a sibling combo) from The Ambitious are here to help you nail the process. From helping you polish your resume so you get invited to those interviews, to landing your dream job — these online career coaches will transform you from a job seeker into a professional in your field.
They’re young and in touch, and really know what it’s like to be a graduate faced with the daunting process of trying to find a job. In their upcoming free webinar on “How to be the best candidate in job interviews in 2021” held on Tuesday, October 19, they’ll tell you everything you need to know about getting hired in the Netherlands — before, during, and after the interview.
1. Polish your resume so it stands out
One of the very first — and most essential — steps in the process of landing a job is your resume. During this webinar, Madeline and Dorian will give you tips on how to make sure your resume is ATS-friendly (application tracking system) so recruiters are able to find you and invite you to interviews. Gotta be friends with the algorithms, baby. They’ll tell you what to include and what not to, to ensure that you stand out from the other applicants.
2. Optimise your LinkedIn — it’s essential
You know you’re getting old when LinkedIn excites you more than Instagram. Jokes aside, having a strong LinkedIn presence is essential in the job search.
The Ambitious will help you boost your LinkedIn profile to 2021 standards so that recruiters and hiring managers are able to find you. They’ll also tell you about the best platforms for finding a job in 2021.
3. Help you bring your best professional self to the interview
What to prepare, what to wear? Let’s be honest, interviews are nerve-wracking for everyone. The Ambitious will equip you with strategies to feel cool, calm, and confident on the big day.
4. Prepare you to nail the interview questions
Dorian and Madeline will help you prepare for different types of interview questions — the challenging and the straightforward — so you’re able to present the best version of yourself (the level-headed one, not the stressed one) whilst giving the hiring manager a sense of what you really believe in.
5. Nailed your interview — what comes next?
There’s nothing worse than staring longingly at your phone waiting for a call that never seems to come. Madeline and Dorian will teach you how to follow up and how to prepare for the next interview.
6. Expand your horizons
They’ll help you realise there are more opportunities out there than you think. They’ll also help you get to grips with what those opportunities are and land a job that you maybe didn’t even know existed.
7. Answer your questions and get you discounts
This webinar won’t just be them lecturing to you. There’ll be opportunities for you to ask your burning, specific to you questions. If you stick it out to the end you’ll also be able to get discounts on job search booster materials and coaching sessions!
Check out The Ambitious
Interested? We knew it. 😉 Sign up for their free webinar on Tuesday, October 19, 2021 via The Ambitious website — where they’ll pass on all the knowledge and experience they’ve gained through helping thousands of graduates land great jobs. You can also get in touch with them by emailing co*****@jo**************.com.
What was your experience of finding a job in the Netherlands? Tell us in the comments below!
Feature Image: Leon/Unsplash