A romantic film about FEBO? Yep, it’s a thing

This Italian Greek director was so captivated by the beloved snack wall that he made a romance film about it. The best part? This film will be shown at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York.

For those who live in the Netherlands, FEBO might not be the most romantic place. Maybe it’s more associated with that primal hunger at 3 AM after a few drinks and everything else is closed.

But for director Leonardo Cariglino, it’s much more than that. For him, these magical holes in the walls that store warm, fatty snacks are a place to find love and happiness. 

A celebration of life

The short film is cleverly titled Il Fait Beau, which means “it’s good weather” in French and reads phonetically as “FEBO”.

It tells the story of a French expatriate, Jean, who is new to Amsterdam and doesn’t know anyone. One lonely day, he finds himself at FEBO and meets Olivia, who works there.

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For Cariglino, the romantic comedy short film calls for people to take their life into their own hands and go out to find happiness. 

Who knew there was such potential for enlightenment at FEBO? Maybe it’s a new place to meet the love of your life or, at the very least, understand the meaning of existence (and a good warm bite at 3 AM.)

A tribute to Amsterdam

As Cariglino tells NH Nieuws, “The snack wall is a symbol of windows in the city. One of the first things we learn as expats is that the curtains are open everywhere, and you look into people’s apartments.”

“After a while, you realise it’s kind of a blueprint of what you should have as an expat to be happy.” 

Cariglino also tells NH Nieuws that some viewers don’t believe that FEBO is a real place; they think that Cariglino built the snack wall for the film. We are here to confirm: although it may feel like a fever dream, it is indeed a real place.

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The film will premiere on June 11 at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Cariglino himself didn’t expect this film to take him there, but there is something very alluring about the snack wall.

We will be eagerly waiting for our chance to see the short film, maybe with a snack in hand.

Have you ever fallen in love at a fast-food chain? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Julia de Oliveira Moritz
Julia de Oliveira Moritz
Júlia was born in Brazil, but she’s been away for more than half her life. At five years old, she moved to Nigeria, and at 14, she came to the Netherlands. She came for her education and stayed for… something. She’s not sure if that something is the vibrant springtime or the live music bars. All she knows is that this is her new home, at least for now.


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