Coronavirus measures not expected to be lifted says OMT

The Dutch cabinet must decide next week whether to extend or relax the hard lockdown measures after January 14. However, Marc Bonten of the OMT says not to hope for too much.

Things aren’t looking very positive for people who are hoping that the hard lockdown will be lifted in the Netherlands.

A member of the OMT, Marc Bonten, believes that his team won’t advise relaxing the measures, reports the NOS.

“It is too soon to start talking about the abolition of all measures,” Bonten told the NOS. “I don’t think people should have too much hope that that will be our advice.”

Small steps

Bonten also believes that there’s a lot of uncertainty and that we have to wait and see what will happen.

On Monday, it was decided that primary and secondary schools may open again next week. According to the OMT, infection rates in small children are declining thus it is an “acceptable risk.”

Cabinet wishes for an expiration date of vaccination certificates

The cabinet wants vaccination certificates to have an expiration date from February 1. This is due to the decreasing effectiveness of vaccines after a period of time.

This means that people in the Netherlands have to get the booster shot in order to get a valid corona pass, the Ministry of Health told

Inside the EU, the vaccination certificates for travel will be valid for nine months starting from February 1.

The ministry is also looking to shorten the validity of the proof of recovery certificates. Instead of the certificate being valid for one year, they would like to reduce it to 180 days.

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Feature Image: macniak/Depositphotos

Nicole Ogden 🇹🇭 🇺🇸
Nicole Ogden 🇹🇭 🇺🇸
Hailing from the bustling city of Bangkok, Nicole is a Thai/American international student who came to the Netherlands to study linguistics. When she's not reading books or listening to true crime podcasts, she's practising her singing and guitar skills! She is also attempting to pick up the Dutch language (moeilijk).
  1. It’s more than past time for the government to end the lockdown; except for bars and pubs, those should remain unless you like walking through vomit in the streets in the evening!!


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