Stricter measures coming to the Netherlands this week

Tighter coronavirus measures are in the making for the Netherlands. Inside sources have told RTL Nieuws that new restrictions will include a further limit on outside group sizes from four to two, and the closure of museums, cinemas, and theatres.

The measures were discussed yesterday during an informal meeting among ministers at the Cathuis, the official residence of the Prime Minister. Details are to be worked out today and the final decision will be announced during Tuesday night’s press conference. 

Stricter measures

The new restrictions will be in addition to the current measures and are expected to last two weeks, taking effect from Thursday. 

The government is also discussing whether stricter measures may be taken regionally, such as a curfew or full lockdown. 

Not all agree

The decision has not come lightly. While Prime Minister Rutte, Health Minister De Jonge, and Public Health Minster Van Arkel have proposed a two-week closure of the country, other officials are in opposition. Minsters Hoekstra, Grapperaus and Ollongren say the measures are going too far.

Do you think stricter measures are necessary? Let us know in the comments.

Feature Image: Gustavo Fring/Pexels

Brin Andrews
Brin Andrews
Brin is an avid ice cream eater from the US, calling Amsterdam home since early 2019. As a lover of mountains, life below sea level has been a bit of an adjustment, but she manages to stay afloat with long runs, wine, and frequent travel. Incidentally, these are a few of her favourite topics to write about.


  1. Yes, full lockdown is necessary because IT companies like ours are still asking everyone in our team to still come and work at office travelling in public transport from different cities and there are so many confirmed cases in our office. We are indirectly contributing to the spread.

  2. Yes, it is better to have a 2 weeks lockdown, and if necessary, hold it as far as possible before having the same issue again and again. People are just taking this virus for granted and we need to stop it together! So, better a full lockdown as long as necessary than spreading this thing and continue having the same situation until who knows when…! So I fully agree with it!

  3. Better two weeks now and be in good shape going into the festive season than having to endure total lockdown around Christmas and New Year. Absolutely in favour of curbing the infection rate NOW!

  4. No, because the same will happen once we open up the country again and infections ride again and businesses will have to close down. If we consider it as the only solution to slow down the infection rate then all industries that rely on social interaction will have to remain closed for as long as the pandemic lasts (which could be several years).

  5. Completely agree with a full lockdown. We already lost control of the virus, people still don’t follow the rules and still workplaces like mine still ask people to come to the office even though our work could be done fully from home.
    I feel very sorry for the Horeca sector that is being hit hard during the pandemic, while everything else is still open. So better to make rules stricter for while so we can open everything earlier (as compared to current measures), and maybe avoid many more business going bankrupt – and losing more lives, obviously.

  6. 100%, my university is forcing hybrid education, meaning on campus lectures that are broadcast online as well. I can see why they might want to do that but the timing is just terrible. Not to mention (and that’s when I got angry) that people are not required to wear masks in the lecture halls only in the corridors. How does that make any sense? It’s just completely reckless.


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