Did you think that in 2024, the Netherlands might have flying cars? Affordable public transport? A new, exclusive bitterballen flavour? Nope, we didn’t get any of that. Instead, we got… a giant concrete penis.
In the quaint town of Dedemsvaart, Overijssel, one man decided to spice up his front yard with an eye-catching piece of art. And by “eye-catching,” we mean a 2.5-metre tall, 1-metre wide, 300-kilogram 3D-printed concrete penis. 🍆
And the lucky owner of this phallic sculpture? His name just so happens to be Willie de Groot (yes, folks, that’s Willie the Big).
Enorme betonnen penis trekt bekijks in Dedemsvaart https://t.co/JwBw7WS1I1— Oost (@rtvoost) September 22, 2024
Willie’s giant willy
“I saw it and I immediately thought: I want that thing”, De Groot tells RTL‘s Editie NL.
But this giant willy isn’t just an artistic statement. According to Willie, it’s helping with traffic control. “People usually drive too fast down this street,” he says, “but now they’re slowing down to take a look.”
So… a public service and a conversation starter all in one? Seems like a win-win — except the local municipality doesn’t quite agree.
Keep it in your pants — uh, we mean backyard
And as it turns out, many people seem to appreciate Willie’s bold taste in home décor.
However, as much as (some) locals admired the giant penis, the municipality of Hardenberg did not, as De Stentor writes.
That’s why on Saturday, the 350-kilogram colossus was moved to De Groot’s backyard — with the help of a tow truck.
But Willie’s not too bothered about his art being hidden away. “If people want to see it, they can always ring the doorbell,” he tells the local news outlet.
And don’t worry, there’s a bright future ahead for Willie’s artwork — literally: “I’m going to paint it gold. Maybe even add some glitter,” says its proud owner. ✨
What do you think of Willie’s concrete willy? Share your thoughts in the comments!
Let it be in the front yard, it’s so funny :))