Empty shelves in supermarkets in fear of coronavirus

If you’re planning a trip to the supermarket in the next few days, be prepared, as there’s a chance won’t be able to find ordinary items that you are looking for. People have been stocking up on food after yesterday’s announcement to take more extreme measures. 

empty grocery store
Image: Paulien Buijzen/supplied

According to RTL Nieuws, it’s almost as if it were Christmas- bulk buying has begun. Canned products and items like toilet paper are most commonly purchased at this time. However, stores are aware of this and will have fresh items delivered in the next few days.

Furthermore, Jumbo, according to RTL Nieuws, has set a quota on things like soap and cleaning products in order to contain the hoarding somewhat.

Please note that stores will be replenished and that hoarding of products is not necessary. It’s best to maintain calm in this situation and if you are in need of any specific products, ask your friends or neighbours. Stores will be replenished every couple of days.

More information about COVID-19 in the Netherlands

For more information, be sure to check out our guide to coronavirus in the Netherlands to stay up-to-date with the most recent information.

You can also watch our video, where we touch upon questions like how did coronavirus come to the Netherlands? What can you do against it in daily life? Is the Netherlands properly prepared for a COVID-19 pandemic?

Are you stocking up on food items? If so, which ones? Let us know in the comments!

Feature image: Paulien Buijzen/supplied

Vedika Luthra
Vedika Luthrahttp://hotchocolatehits.com
Vedika was born in India, raised in Poland and moved to the Netherlands to study. Like her nationality, she’s confused about what she likes most, which is why her bachelor’s degree was in liberal arts and sciences. She enjoys writing about all things food-related but likes to mix it up every now and then.


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