Dutch family causes chaos at school: Three brothers, sister, and father arrested

Talk about a family outing…

A violent incident at a secondary school in Bladel, North Brabant, on Monday morning led to the arrest of five members of the same family. Among them were three brothers, along with their sister and father.

According to the AD, the family allegedly caused a disturbance involving school staff on the premises. 

Tensions rise before police arrive

Let’s start from the beginning — since we’re all wondering how this started.

The trouble began when the two brothers who attend the school confronted a fellow student over an ongoing conflict. In his defence, the student hid under a table. 

READ MORE | The Dutch school system for dummies: a guide from one parent to another 

As Omroep Brabant reports, staff noticed the tension and attempted to intervene. The result? A new fight broke out, this time between the siblings and janitors. 

Things got even worse when the sister of the two brothers also jumped into the mix. 

In the meantime, police had been called, and the three siblings eventually got arrested. 

It doesn’t end there…

The situation took another turn when the father and eldest son arrived at the school after hearing about the altercation.

Once they found out about the kids’ arrests, both reacted aggressively. “They went completely berserk”, says school principal Maarten De Veth. 

The father had to be restrained with a taser in the middle of the schoolyard. Ultimately, both the father and the eldest brother were arrested as well.

The family has been said to cause unrest in the past, but there are also rumours that the children have had to endure discriminatory remarks and bullying.

Support for the students 

Many students of the school witnessed the violence taking place, so after the incident, all students were sent home for the day.

Headmaster De Veth emphasises that the perpetrators are temporarily not welcomed at school. 

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Feature Image:Depositphotos
Ada Dolanay
Ada Dolanay
Ada was born in Turkey, but spent almost all her life growing up in Amsterdam. As a third year Literary and Cultural Analysis student, she’s consistently observing, analysing and writing about people and places. After years of experiencing Dutch culture, she remains frustrated at Dutch cuisine, and continues to discover new benches in narrow streets to sit and read on (when the weather decides to be kind).



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