Dinner time! Man uses air fryer to cook kaasoufflés on NS train

A man brought an air fryer onboard a train to Tilburg to make his dinner. Why he couldn’t have waited an hour? We don’t know, but it’s the most Dutch thing we’ve heard in a while.

On Tuesday, an unsuspecting passenger boarded his usual train home at 17:30, only to be confronted by a familiar Dutch smell, reports Omroep Brabant.

Kaassoufflé on the way

To his left, he found a man with a dinner plate and serviette on his lap, waiting for an air fryer (yes, a whole air fryer) to ding and tell him his cheese-baked kaassoufflé was ready to eat. Lekker! 

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The reason for this interesting move? “That’s how I try to fight inflation”, the 23-year-old student, tells IGM Tech. He doesn’t usually make his dinner on the train, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

With the rise in costs for train travel, electricity, and food, perhaps this isn’t such a bad idea — and hey, it kills two birds with one stone right? 

Desperate times call for desperate measures

When NS was approached on Twitter, they didn’t seem to have a problem with it. After all, who can say “nee” to a kaasoufflé? 😋

Translation: Is this even possible @NS_online ? What power?

To which the NS replied: I think it worked? I can’t really recommend it, you better get a snack at a Smullers for example, but if this didn’t work it wouldn’t really be newsworthy I think.

Do you, boo

Now, we all have a lot to say about NS trains, but this man might have just solved all our problems — or at least put a smile on our faces.

Other passengers found the performance amusing, and when wished eet smakelijk the man responded “thank you,” very dryly. What a champ.

What do you think of this inflation-fighting technique? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Feature Image:Freepik
Eva Gabriella
Eva Gabriella
After calling Malaysia her home for 19 years, Eva moved to Amsterdam to study literary and cultural analysis. Well, that was the academic theory — in reality it was more like “cultural shock.” Eva’s mastery of life in the Netherlands involved initiation into the richness of nocturnal hangouts, canals, cuisine, and upright and forthright cyclists (who she now rings her bell back at.) When she is not speeding her way through books, she is winding and weaving down endless straatjes, often finding herself, not so quite by chance, in a gezellig music bar!


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