These are the new EU border controls beginning in 2023

The EU is making changes this year: the Entry-Exit System. This will make travel to the EU easier for non-EU travellers — however, there are a few catches.

Ok, so what is this system? The EU’s post-Brexit Entry-Exit System (EES) is a new border control check that will make it easier for non-EU citizens, who wish to stay for a short period of time, to enter the European Union. 

However, it will also make sure that these travellers can’t overstay their 90-day limit in the EU. 

A brand new system

What will this look like for travellers? Put simply, from the end of 2023, UK and other non-EU travellers who don’t require a visa to enter the EU will need to scan their passports at the self-service border. They will then be good to go for 90 days

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The new system promises a smoother and faster process for everyone outside of the EU to enter. 

It will be easier to enter the EU! Image: Depositphotos

The future is here, guys. With the passport scanning self-service, the system will save the traveller’s name, biometric data and the date and place of entry. 

This will also include a facial and finger scan, the data will then be retained for three years after your trip. 👀

With a brand new delay

According to the original plan, the EES was set to launch in 2022. It was then rescheduled to May 2023. 

However, now the EES has been delayed again, this time with the promise that it will come into effect by the end of 2023, Euronews reports. 

The airlines are happy

The travel industry is not only pleased with the new system, but also with the delays. They say it gives them more time to prepare for the changes.

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Coming together, the European region of Airports Council International, Airlines for Europe, the European Regions Airline Association, and the International Air Transport Association have issued a joint statement.

“The EES will be a game changer for how the EU’s borders are managed. There are, however, a number of issues which must be resolved to ensure a smooth roll out and operation of the new system so that air passengers do not face disruptions.”

What do you think of the new border system? Tell us in the comments! 

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Mihály Droppa
Mihály Droppa
Mihály fell in love with (and in) Amsterdam, so he quit his NGO job in Budapest and moved to Amsterdam to become a journalist. His apartment is full of plants and books, two dogs, and a random mouse in the kitchen. You might find him in Vondelpark, where he spends most of his life throwing tennis balls for his vizslas and listening to podcasts. His nickname is Mex — ask him why!


  1. Honestly I’m not excited, I don’t get why those who did vote to stay have to be punished like this. It induces a lot of anxiety for me, travelling is meant to be a chance to switch off and relax but now I have to pay a small fee and potentially be declined. With the information out there being not so clear and robust, I’m terrified of making a mistake and being deported. I don’t know. It might be better than the system that’s worked for years but I’m not so convinced.

      • For ease of travel you are of course right, but in so very many other ways, leaving the EU 🇪🇺 was the very best thing the UK has done in more than 50 years. It would be wonderful for the Dutch it they were able to do the same as the EU 🇪🇺 is literally destroying the Netherlands.

  2. I thank Christ that I am a still a dual UK and EU citizen brex☆☆it won’t drag me down like the rest of the UK.

  3. I have sort of have issues with traveling into the EU now, I am British but resident in Bulgaria, if I drive from the UK through the tunnel French immigration do not stamp my passport but if I fly it’s stamped, all I get is Bulgaria is not Schengen so how will this work? EU resident that can’t move freely but someone who is Bulgarian or Romanian can travel with an ID card and no stamps

  4. Nwo at its best UCC2012127914. All foreclosed and they have no authority whatsoever to tell you what you can and can’t do. One question; are you a slave or are you free?

  5. Why do brexitiers moan surely even a tinyyyy bit of common sense would tell you you would lose your business ferry problems produce getting through the borders lorry drivers suffering family’s no where to live food banks city’s desolate shops boarded up no jobs list endless EU should never have happened or voted for


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