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Articles by
Mihály Droppa
Mihály fell in love with (and in) Amsterdam, so he quit his NGO job in Budapest and moved to Amsterdam to become a journalist. His apartment is full of plants and books, two dogs, and a random mouse in the kitchen. You might find him in Vondelpark, where he spends most of his life throwing tennis balls for his vizslas and listening to podcasts. His nickname is Mex — ask him why!
Dutch Quirk #105: Always be on time for every meeting and appointment
Did you know that the Dutchies are ALWAYS on time? No? Well, get used to it.
Without being...
7 incredible things you can ACTUALLY do if you get a Dutch bank card
I doubt I’m the only international in the Netherlands who's lived through an embarrassing episode of trying...
Dutch Quirk #61: Joke openly about Germans
Which nation gives the Dutchies even more opportunity to do some roasting than the Belgians? Natuurlijk! The...
Dutch Quirk #111: Have a lack of hierarchy
The Netherlands is not the place for hierarchy. It's where your boss wants to be your BFF,...
Dutch Quirk #78: Watch the cows dance when they’re let out for the spring
After a long and dark winter, the Dutchies have a great solution for recharging themselves. They get...
Why are there so many mice in the Netherlands?
We all know by now that the Netherlands has more bikes than people. But what we definitely...
Dutch Quirk #80: Put a sink in their bedrooms
Did you ever think that it would be useful to have a sink in your bedroom? No?...
12 thrilling things to do in Breda in 2024
Looking for the perfect spot to spend a long weekend? Everyone can find their favourite things to...