Porn alert! Buses weren’t the only thing coming at this Dutch station

Wild night at the bus stop 🍆

Travellers to Arnhem Centraal’s bus terminal received a rather heavy load of unwanted imagery after an unknown entity shared porn clips on the station’s electronic information boards. 👀🍆

The clips — displaying another kind of ride altogether — briefly prevented commuters from reading bus departure times for some of Arnhem Centraal’s stops last Wednesday (April 10).

Whilst some bystanders took to Twitter to point out the hilarity of the… err, frikandel, on the screen, others were less pleased.

“For more than half an hour, we all had to deal with the porno, and there were kids around”, one commuter messaged DutchReview to say.

Signs point to a hack

As reported by RTL Nieuws, the video was visible for several minutes at around 8:45 PM — before an employee finally got their hands on some tape and blocked off the screen.

The municipality of Arnhem strongly suspects some hacking to be afoot, according to various sources, and is currently giving the issue a deeper investigation.

In the meantime, NS customer service employees were STRUGGLING. 🥲 Image: Supplied

If, as seems likely, this was the product of a hack, the municipality has claimed that it will report the incident.

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Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana juggles her role as an Editor with wrapping up a degree in cognitive linguistics and assisting with DutchReview's affiliate portfolio. Since arriving in the Netherlands for her studies in 2018, she's thrilled to have the 'write' opportunity to help other internationals feel more at home here — whether that's by penning an article on the best SIMs to buy in NL, the latest banking features, or important things to know about Dutch health insurance.


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