No, you’re not dyslexic or drug crazy; that sign on Rotterdam’s Coolsingel does, in fact, read “Cokesingel.” And yes, Emmalaan is now MDMA-laaan — and yes, this was all sanctioned by the Rotterdam municipality.
Why? You may be wondering.
Taking to LinkedIn, Rotterdam’s municipality writes that 11 of the city’s street names “have been temporarily changed in order to confront everyone with the harsh reality that drug use has far-reaching consequences.”
That must have been a fun team meeting
The post goes on to list the creative ways that the city’s street names have been reimagined in the name of drugs — and it doesn’t disappoint:
Original name Drugified name Coolsingel Cokesingel Laan op Zuid Lijn op Zuid (line op Zuid) Rakstraat Nakstraat (a synonym for using cocaine) West-Kruiskade West-Snuifkade (snuff) Emmalaan MDMA-laan Burgemeester Oudlaan Burgemeester Out-laan (passing out) Wijnhaven Lijnhaven Zuidplein Snuifplein Ketenstraat Ketastraat (Ketamine) Groene Hilledijk Groene Pillendijk Peppelweg Pepweg (Speed)
There’s just one problem…
While the action is certainly…innovative, it has been met with an immediate problem: several of the signs were stolen within just three hours of being placed there.
The plan was for the signs to remain up around the city for two weeks.
However, according to RTV Rijnmond, young students are seeing this as an opportunity to have a great new fixture in their bedrooms or kitchens.
READ MORE | Dutch Quirk #56: Have a liberal attitude towards party drugs
Speaking with RTV Rijnmond, a municipal worker says, “We expect they will become collector’s items.”
However, others are more critical of the stunt, questioning whether the signs have drawn attention to the issue of drugs in the city — or simply the normalisation of drug use in Rotterdam.
What do you think of this stunt? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!