Rutte frustrated at Brexit: May even compared to Monty Python’s Limbless Knight by Dutch PM

Pretty much every soul to walk the earth right now is sick of Brexit. Rutte is certainly one of them.

Mark Rutte, the Dutch PM, has made it visibly clear what he’s thought about Brexit over the past week or so. He even compared Theresa May (the British PM), to the limbless knight in Monty Python (only on this occasion, he was actually commending her).

He said he reminded her of the knight, as all it’s arms and legs are cut off (don’t worry, I’m pretty sure all her limbs are intact), yet it still tells the opponent to call it a draw. He thinks that’s incredible that she can still go on despite all of the setbacks, but she is not solely to blame.

Literally May right now…

What does the UK actually want?

There’s been a lot of animosities because nobody, including Rutte, understands what the UK wants. Hell, even we don’t know what we want and that’s the issue. He sees the UK as the perfect example of risk-taking gone wrong, now the whole system is just going into a melt-down. Party politics is just a total mess – Rutte even said that labour was not putting the national interest first.

As the UK has voted down Theresa May’s deal AND a no-deal, it’s left Rutte pretty p**sed off, to say the least. If they don’t want the only deal available and they don’t want to leave without a deal, but they’re wanting to extend article 50, then what do they actually want? Rutte expressed that the UK needs to make it clear what they actually want before time runs out – and he didn’t look happy about it. He expressed the need for us to ‘stop whining at each other’ as 2 years down the line we’re essentially back where we started.



Brit here! Don’t worry Rutte, we feel ya.

Do you agree with Rutte? Let us know in the comments!

Cover Pic Source: Flickr/Sebastiaan ter Burg

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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