The heavily neglected children found in an apartment in Zaanstreek: ‘They are doing well’

Yesterday we shared a terrible story of two heavily neglected children who were found in an apartment in Zaanstreek. Today reports have emerged that both of the children are doing well.

Police Inspector Tom Verweij found two boys in a house that was locked and was abnormally hot. They had no access to food and drink and when they were rescued the frightened boys were found in nothing but their underpants, with one of the boys having a knife in his hand. The two boys were communicating in their own language.

In fact, this is not a new story – it happened last year. Police inspector Tom Verweij wrote about the experience which was then shared onto the Zanstreek facebook page. This was then shared and liked thousands of times and was reported on news sites across the Netherlands due to the emotive story.

A Noord-Holland police spokesperson told RTL News: “…given the circumstances, they are doing well.”

What happened to them?

According to RTL Nieuws, police have informed the public about what has happened to the boys. After they were found the boys were taken away to receive help and they no longer live with their mother. It appears that they are doing well which is the best outcome that you could hope for after that awful event.

The mother was also tracked down and received help. So far the father is not known to the police.

The officer posted the story to spread awareness about child abuse and how it cannot always be seen. Do stay vigilant and report anything that you think is suspicious. Many of these get missed because they are not recognised in time, so it’s important to always be aware that sadly, these things do happen.

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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