Short showers and cold homes: Dutch gas consumption at lowest point in 50 years

In view of the European energy crisis, the Dutch were quick to react: households and large industrial companies significantly reduced their gas consumption — leading to a 25% overall decrease in gas consumption in 2022. 

That same year, a total of 31 billion cubic metres of gas were consumed in the Netherlands.

Sounds like a lot, right? Well, it’s actually the lowest number reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) since 1972. 

Not only large companies

Large industrial companies that normally consume a lot of natural gas consumed more than a quarter less of it in 2022 than the year before.

Companies in the petroleum and chemical industries saw an especially sharp decline in their gas consumption.

But besides large companies, Dutch households were also part of the movement: they consumed a quarter less gas in 2022 than they did in 2021.

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Peter Hein van Mulligen, chief economist at CBS, tells the NOS that households kept their gas usage down by “turning off the knobs, for example, by taking shorter showers.” 🚿

Why the decline?

Unless you’ve been hibernating for all of 2022, you would have heard of the skyrocketing energy prices throughout the year. How to avoid these costs? Natuurlijk, by lowering your consumption.

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But high gas prices aren’t the only explanation behind this steep decrease. About 10% of gas savings can be traced back to the warm weather of last year. 

Greenhouse horticulture companies also played a vital part in reducing gas consumption. How? By generating their own electricity with a gas engine that cuts 30% off natural gas consumption. How handy! 👏

What do you think about CBS’ findings on Dutch gas consumption? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Lyna Meyrer 🇱🇺
Lyna Meyrer 🇱🇺
Say 'hoi' to Lyna, our Senior Writer at DutchReview! Fueled by a love for writing, social media, and all things Dutch, she joined the DR family in 2022. Since making the Netherlands her home in 2018, she has collected a BA in English Literature & Society (Hons.) and an RMA in Arts, Literature and Media (Hons.). Even though she grew up just a few hours away from the Netherlands, Lyna remains captivated by the guttural language, quirky culture, and questionable foods that make the Netherlands so wonderfully Dutch.


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