It might officially be autumn in the Netherlands, but the warm summer weather hasn’t exactly turned over a new leaf…
Many of us in the lowlands are more than ready to ditch bathing suits and start thinking about Halloween costumes.
But for folks in certain areas of the Netherlands, summer still seems to be blazing, which, considering it’s already October, is unusual, Weerplaza reports. 🤨
Feeling hot, hot hot
This afternoon, hefty temperatures of 26 degrees Celsius are possible in Limburg, as well as east of Limburg in the Ruhr area, which is forecasted at up to 27-28 degrees.
Not only that, but citizens of the Wadden should consider lathering on some SPF; their region will be about 20 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the centre and east of the Netherlands will crank up to 22 to 24 degrees.
Tomorrow is a new day
As for what tomorrow will bring, a “so-called cold front” is set to blow in from the west tonight.
As this happens, warmer air will glide towards the southwest at a higher altitude — especially for the southeastern part of the country, which will experience no less than 19 degrees on Tuesday morning.
🌡 Maandag wordt in het zuiden één van de warmste oktoberdagen sinds jaren! Limburg kan lokaal aan 27° komen en net over de grens is zelfs 28° mogelijk. Ook de nacht naar dinsdag is daar opvallend warm met lokaal minima rond 20 graden. Daarna volgt een koufront met afkoeling 🌦— Wouter van Bernebeek (@StormchaserNL) October 1, 2023
Translation: “🌡 Monday will be one of the warmest October days in years in the south! Limburg can reach 27° locally, and just across the border, even 28° is possible. The night leading up to Tuesday is also remarkably warm there, with local lows around 20 degrees. This is followed by a cold front with cooling. 🌦”
While the cold front might feature some local thunderstorms, the “heat advection” means things are heating up in the middle of the night, and Limburg will likely wake up to 20-22 degrees tomorrow. Not exactly a Nuclear autumn.
Still, on Tuesday during the day, mercury is predicted to settle at a more reasonable range of 17 to 19 degrees Celsius.
Sun-day could be 25 degrees ☀️
What does the future of the week have in store for us? Apparently, the bout of Indian summer will remain sturdy and return later this week.
On Wednesday and Thursday, temperatures will hover at 17 degrees in the north and 20 degrees in the Netherlands’ southern provinces.
READ MORE | Oh look, it’s summer again! Warm and sunny weather is returning to the NL
Friday, on the other hand, will creep up to between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius before getting upstaged by Sunday, where regionally, there is a chance of 25-degree weather.
Guess we’ll have to save our autumn activities for a rainy day. ☔️
Are you excited or annoyed that autumn is experiencing a delay this year? Share your thoughts in the comments below!