This Dutch city just issued its first-ever jail sentence for street sexual harassment

Justice wins, sometimes ⚖️

A Utrecht court has just seen its first-ever trials for street sexual harassment — and, with one aggressor even landing a two-day prison sentence, it’s safe to say the city isn’t fooling around anymore!

Since July 1, sexual harassment has been punishable by Dutch law. Although cities like The Hague and Rotterdam have already convicted people under this new law, the current convictions mark Utrecht’s first stab at legally cracking down on this public menace.

So far, three men have stood trial in Utrecht: two were accused of sexually harassing female law enforcement officers, whilst the third tried to force an 18-year-old woman to kiss him, reports RTV Utrecht.

Lewd comments, forced kisses, and sexually aggressive language

“It was Dios Latinos”

In the first case, a 48-year-old man from Amersfoort assumed it was a brilliant idea to shout sexually explicit phrases at a pair of female police officers.

His excuse for the terrible lapse in judgement? Well, “it was Dios Latinos,” he said — referring to the Latin American festival that he, as an avid salsa dancer, had just attended.

To no one’s surprise, that excuse didn’t impress the judge: the man was ordered to pay a fine of €350.

Saved by a WhatsApp helpline

The second case, involving a 19-year-old Syrian asylum seeker, took place on a train.

Due to similar aggressive incidents, all NS trains have a help hotline that can be contacted when you feel unsafe. Image: Depositphotos

After attempting to chat up an 18-year-old woman on the platform, he followed her into the train and tried to kiss her three times.

Though the woman was able to fend him off, he continued to stare at her — until, fearing for her safety, she texted the NS’ WhatsApp helpline for reporting such incidents.

READ MORE | Feeling unsafe on an NS train? Here’s how to get help

The aggressor was then taken off the train and arrested. The judge demanded that he pay a €280 fine, but as the man was not present for his trial, it’s unsure if he is even still in the Netherlands.

A poet in the making

The last case saw a 50-year-old Utrecht man get a little too potty-mouthed with a special investigating officer, who’d just caught him using drugs.

After several attempts at trying to get him to show his ID, things turned vulgar.

The man’s charming verbal tirade — including lines like “I’m going to f*ck you, cancer b*tch” — combined with aggressive sexual gestures were enough to land him a court date.

However, as the Utrecht native had no money to pay the €150 compensation to the officer he’d harassed, the judge suggested an alternative arrangement: a two-day prison sentence.

It still remains to be seen what (if any!) effects the new legal repercussions will have on sexual aggressors in the Netherlands.

What do you think of Utrecht’s new stance on sexual harassment? Shoot us your thoughts in the comments below

Feature Image:Freepik
Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana juggles her role as an Editor with wrapping up a degree in cognitive linguistics and assisting with DutchReview's affiliate portfolio. Since arriving in the Netherlands for her studies in 2018, she's thrilled to have the 'write' opportunity to help other internationals feel more at home here — whether that's by penning an article on the best SIMs to buy in NL, the latest banking features, or important things to know about Dutch health insurance.


  1. I think overall it’s an amazing improvement in the Justice System taking some Fair Action against sexual perpetrators for their unwanted sexual harassment; however, much more should be done to give justice to women who are sexually assaulted possibly in their home by a bare acquaintance and it is non-consenting by the victim who may only be able to “freeze” as her only self defense!


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