Get your fan out: temperatures in the Netherlands skyrocket into the 30s today

We hope you have your fans and water bottles at the ready — temperatures are expected to soar above 30 degrees today and tomorrow across much of the Netherlands.

30 degrees (or higher!)

According to everyone’s favourite weather service, Buienradar, we’re in for temperatures between 25 and 33 degrees this afternoon — perfect for an ice cold drink on the beach or a swim in a polder.

Over the next two days, temperatures are expected to exceed 30 degrees in all of the provinces except Groningen, Friesland and Drenthe (lucky ducks.)


Tomorrow the heat will peak at 35 degrees in some parts of the country, reports RTL Nieuws. Meteorologists at Buienradar have reported that the air will be very humid — so prepare for a sticky day. We’ll be huddled over our fans and taking lots of cold showers.

Special protocols in place for road users

Today and tomorrow will be so hot that the Rijkswaterstaat has issued a heat protocol for road users. This means that if you break down on the side of the road, a recovery company will immediately be dispatched to bring you to a safe location.

According to the Rijkswaterstaat this is because “With high outside temperatures, the temperature of the road surface can rise to above 50 degrees.” The protocol will be in place from 10 AM to 8 PM over the next few days in all of the provinces where temperatures are likely to exceed 30 degrees.

Remember to drink lots of water people! And keep on re-applying that sunscreen. But also — enjoy yourselves, you deserve it. 😉

Will you be sunbathing on the beach or sheltering from the heat indoors? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image: ryzhov/Depositphotos

Jen Lorimer 🇿🇼
Jen Lorimer 🇿🇼
An avid tea drinker, Jen was born and raised in Zimbabwe. She moved to Utrecht in 2017 to pursue her history degree. She loves people-watching, canoeing the Utrecht canals, and observing how the Dutch come alive in summer. Having been traumatised by a Dutch circle party, Jen wants to help equip other internationals with tips and tricks to survive and thrive in this wonderful flat country.


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