It’s going to be a wet weekend for the Netherlands

Rain, rain and yup, you guessed it… more rain

Yup, the rain is back and it’s set to rain pretty bad for the next few days (nooooo). So wrap up warm, get the hot chocolate and netflix out and enjoy a blissful weekend of nothing. If you’re not fortunate enough to be able to do that, make sure you’ve got your rain poncho at the ready.

Doggos and all

So what’s going down for the rest of this week?



The heavy rain begins on Thursday night and basically carries on throughout Friday. The rainfall will be heavy and there’s no sign of the sun at any part of the day too. The temperature will remain at 12 degrees all day and night, with no sign of the temperature rising or falling. In short, it’s going to be a s**t day.

The daily struggle



Saturday is going to be raining too. It won’t be quite as bad as Friday and we may see home outbreaks of sunshine. However, it is going to be raining frequently throughout the day and some of these showers will be heavy. There will be highs of 10 and lows of 8 degrees Celsius on this day.

Source: Weerplaza


Guess what? More rain! However, the good news is that it’s getting better. It’s going to rain, but much less than the past couple of days and we may even see some outbreaks of sunshine. The weather still isn’t great though, and it’s a bit colder. You’ll be pleased to know this should be the last of the rain for a bit though.

Are you a summer or a winter kind of person (and by winter I mean snow, not this crappy rain)? Let us know in the comments.

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


  1. Hi,
    I am an Expat and came 6-7 months ago to Netherlands. Every Monday I look forward to see the your weather forecast and I love how you show it with images.
    Also, I am a winter person who loves snowfall and not this rain and wind which is very irritant and spoils my cloths, shoes, handbags…..

  2. It’s a w/e for pluvialphiles with parapluies. – I’m originally from Scotland so rain is something you learn to cope with. Sometimes there’s no other option but to get out there and “enjoy” (/endure) it!


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