Record breaking temperatures! Surprisingly warm weather in May

According to Dutch weather bureau, this warm weather in May so unusual that it has broken some records!

After having some of the coldest temperatures in March and rainy weather in April, life in Holland seemed as gloomy as ever. But things might finally be looking up! The Gods have finally smiled upon our small but beautiful part of the world and are giving us something to be happy about! The weather in May is warm, like record breaking warm! So we can finally take out those miniature summer clothes that we’ve been dying to wear all year long!

Unbelievable 25 Degrees Celsius in May

Yes, as you might have noticed the temperatures over the last couple of days have been ranging from 22 to 25 degrees Celsius. Apparently this is very uncommon for Holland and has broken the previous record of 16.4 degrees Celsius dating back to 1706. Furthermore, the temperature is set to stay this way until the end of May. How awesome is that? This record breaking temperature also brings the average temperature at De Bilt to around 16.5 degrees. Is summer finally here?

Not too fast, though! Warm weather does not mean sunshine

Unfortunately, warm weather and sunshine do not always go in a package together. That is why we will be getting a whole lot of rain and clouds until the end of the month. We can even expect thunderstorms in certain areas! This means that we will not be breaking the clear daylight record (sad!). The number of hours of clear daylight this month are estimated to be around 300, with the current record being 329 hours. So do not leave the house without your umbrella or rain boots! But it’s all good as long as we are warm, right?

A walk in the rain – Park van BrasschaatB&W

Are you happy with the warm but rainy weather? Or do you want nothing but sunshine and blazing heat? Let us know in the comments below!


Veronika Licheva
Veronika Licheva
Living the short girl life in the land of giants. Veronika is a content creator who takes great interest in video, photography, and journalism. Her mission in The Netherlands is to build a vibrant and exciting career, while simultaneously petting as many dogs as possible.


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