๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ Want to learn Dutch? Fantastisch! Take the first step and find a Dutch language school

Eat your way through a Dutch street food tour that will have you saying ‘lekker’!

Dutch cuisine? Yes, it truly does exist, and you can experience the best of it on this mouth-watering Dutch street food tour that has us drooling in our office chairs. ๐Ÿ˜‹

This guided tour through an Amsterdam food market will have you crunching on golden crispy kibbeling, toasting locally-brewed craft beer, and rounding it all off with a chocolate-glazed stroopwafel for dessert that makes you feel warm inside. Ugh, delish. 


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You are what you eat โ€” itโ€™s time to turn Dutch ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

Want a tour thatโ€™s easygoing and casual, instead of trailing after someone wearing a neon vest, holding up a flag and barking orders at a large group?

This experience lets amble along with friends in a relaxed posse of maximum of 12 people, while youโ€™re in the capable hands of a friendly โ€œfoodie guideโ€ escorting you through Albert Cuyp โ€” Amsterdamโ€™s most famous food market thatโ€™s been around since 1905.  

The English-speaking foodie is happy to answer any of the burning questions youโ€™re afraid to ask, not only about Dutch gastronomy but also about Dutch culture in general. 

Theyโ€™ll also advise you about the other best places to vacation and eat at in Amsterdam โ€” finally, you can confidently recommend a decent restaurant when friends ask, โ€œWhere the heck do we want to eat?โ€  

If the best way for a culture to enter your heart is through your stomach, youโ€™ll find yourself blurting out โ€œlekkerโ€ between mouthfuls of cheese, wondering what came over you. 

Dutchies at food stalls will chuckle knowingly, and say, โ€œWelcome, youโ€™re a part of us now. You can run, but you canโ€™t hideโ€. ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

Where do we sign up? ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Considering the endless Dutch and Indonesian dishes up for grabs, youโ€™re instructed to bring an empty stomach. Feel free to go on a juice-cleansing fast for days beforehand to ensure total appreciation on the day โ€” okay, maybe not. 

Thereโ€™s also craft beer tasting and, to top it all off, some sharp, tangy, freshly squeezed orange juice. Is anyone elseโ€™s mouth watering at the thought of it? ๐Ÿฅฒ 

The tour lasts a comfortable two hours, so there is no need to rush โ€” please chew your food properly. 

What are you waiting for? You can make reservations right now without paying upfront, and cancel up to 24 hours beforehand for a full refund.

Do you hear that? Thatโ€™s the sound of your stomach growling in anticipation. Maybe itโ€™s time to give it what it wants and book this shindig now. โ˜๏ธWeโ€™ll see you over there!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Ellen Ranebo
Ellen Ranebo
As someone half Swedish and half Irish who has lived in the Netherlands, the UK, and attended an American School, Ellen is a cocktail of various nationalities. Having had her fair share of bike accidents, near-death experiences involving canals, and miscommunications while living here (Swedish and Dutch have deceptively similar words with very different meanings), she hopes to have (and document) plenty more in future.

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