There’s only ONE home in Amsterdam that an average Dutch salary can afford; but here’s why starters are finally getting a chance

It's rough out there. 😬

Are you thinking of buying a house in Amsterdam? Unfortunately, it’s a slim possibility for those on a normal salary

Some may be shocked to hear that a listing for a 31 square metre studio has just sold for €185,000. 

But what’s even more shocking is that this was the only home listed for which you could get a loan if you earned an average salary (without contributing any extra money).

But it’s not all negative 

According to Het Parool, the average income of an Amsterdammer is €44,000. And, as housing prices climb, it is becoming increasingly less likely for the average Joe to buy a home in the Netherlands’ busiest city.

However, if you’re a first-time buyer, don’t give up hope just yet. According to the Dutch Land Registry, the number of young buyers in the Netherlands is rapidly rising.

Due to recent changes to housing regulations in the Netherlands, such as the introduction of the Affordable Rent Act and increased interest rates and transfer tax, many investors have decided to sell their rentals. 

READ MORE | From next week Dutch landlords will find it much harder to raise your rent

That’s because the Affordable Rent Act limits the ability of landlords to charge excessively high rents, particularly for those smaller apartments. 😉

As a result, 55% of homes that recently came to the market were bought by people under 35. 

Here’s to hoping we can all buy our own homes shortly!

Are you currently in the process of buying a home in the Netherlands? Let us know your experience in the comments below! 👇

Feature Image:Dreamstime
Christopher Conway
Christopher Conway
Chris hails from the beautiful (and occasionally rainy) Donegal, Ireland. With a degree in History and English under his belt, he’s now diving into an MA in Journalism. Having grown up in Ireland, he’s no stranger to a bit of rain, so the Dutch weather feels just like home to him. In fact, when it comes to Dutch rain, it’s like Ireland but with more bikes and fewer sheep!


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