

Sharing economy of Amsterdam: Dutch capital makes it work

What makes the sharing economy of Amsterdam actually work and shine? We all know Uber and Airbnb, but...

5 urban beaches in Amsterdam that give you that holiday feeling

Summer is here. Finally. The days are longer and we spend as much time as possible outside...

Going Dutch with your Museums Pass

When I first arrived in the Netherlands as a young, bright-eyed student, I bought the 'museumkaart' (Museums Pass)...

May the 5th: Bevrijdingsdag (Liberation Day) in the Netherlands

Every year on May 5th, the Dutch celebrate the freedom that they live in. Named Bevrijdingsdag ('Liberation Day'),...

Have You Heard Of The Iceman Wim Hof?

The Iceman Cometh No, we’re not talking about some abominable snowmen or an ice summoning superhero straight out...

You Might Be Dutch If You…

YOU MIGHT BE DUTCH IF YOU… Admit it, non-Dutchies, most of us have wanted to be Dutch, even...

These photos of The Hague will show you the city like you’ve never seen it before

Amsterdam, Leiden, or Giethoorn are often mentioned as the most scenic towns of the Netherlands. Canals, windmills,...

Pannenkoeken Mania: Dutch Pancakes Invade the World!

How Dutch Pancakes are conquering the world (and warm hearts) Ever wondered how to conquer the world? Well,...