
6 influencers you didn’t know were actually Dutch

From YouTube to Instagram to TikTok — the Dutch are taking the world of social media by...

Why ‘Tikkie’ is called Tikkie: behind the app’s unusual name

From splitting the Friday borrel drinks with your coworkers to paying for your friend's birthday present with...

In need of a giggle? This American comedian perfectly explains the hilarity of learning Dutch

Ever done a double-take when someone yells "kijk uit!"? Or do Dutch names still tickle you? Michelle...

14 signs you have successfully been Dutchified

After living in a certain place for long enough, you often start catching yourself becoming one with...

7 reasons why living in the Netherlands will change your life

I honestly can’t remember what it felt like living outside of the Netherlands. There are so many...

5 clichés about the Dutch that are absolutely true

There are many clichés about the Dutch. Some can be damaging, some are downright wrong, and some...

The one where the cast of Friends tried to speak Dutch — and failed

It may come as no surprise that the most popular sitcom of the 1990s, Friends, was also...

Dutch DNA: are the Dutch actually Dutch?

If I say the word "Dutch", you probably have a very clear image in your head of...