HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

Why are more and more young Italians moving to the Netherlands?

Not much to my surprise, the NOS recently decided to focus on the influx of young educated...

Paternity leave in the Netherlands will go up to 6 weeks (well, more or less)

After the birth of a baby in the Netherlands, the partner of the mother (old customs would...

In defense of the Dutch healthcare system

Defending the Dutch healthcare system... A favorite topic of conversation among Dutch internationals is without a doubt the...

Are you in or are you out? Organ donation in the Netherlands

Coming soon: Automatic registration for organ donation in the Netherlands Two weeks ago, Dutch politicians started debating a...

Cooking with Dutchreview: Enjoy Carnival with Nonnevotten

Cooking with Dutchreview: Nonnevotten (with a lil' help from The Dutch Table) Ah, Dutch food... The Netherlands is known...

Have over €7.000 a month to spare? Check out this amazing Amsterdam apartment for rent

Looking for your dream apartment? So, we often talk about the crazy rental prices in the Netherlands, especially...

Delfzijl has the cheapest houses while Bloemendaal has the priciest in the Netherlands

Delfzijl has the cheapest houses while Bloemendaal has the priciest in the Netherlands Looking for a new house...

Latest in the Civic Integration Exam: Final evaluation talk is cancelled

The Minister of Social Affairs, Wouter Koolmees, has recently decided to cancel the final evaluation talk of...