HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

To switch or not to switch: here’s how changing energy contracts can save you money 

Energy prices in the Netherlands are finally declining, and savvy, money-saving Dutchies are looking for the best...

A guide to Dutch hand gestures: 5 things you need to know

As if it wasn't hard enough to move to another country, learn the language, and integrate yourself...

Did you learn Dutch (or not) to move to the Netherlands? It’s time to share your voice!

Apple = appel. Hello = hallo. Insurance = …verzekering?! Learning Dutch seems easy to start, but you’ve...

How to save a ton on your Dutch energy bill this year, from the experts

Whether you’re new to the Netherlands or a bonafide tote-bag-slinging, handlebar-swinging, biertje-drinking adopted Dutchie, one thing about...

Everything you need to know about mediators in the Netherlands

Let’s paint a picture: you’re clashing with a family member, a neighbour, or a landlord — but...

11 inspiring places to work or study in Delft

Whether you're a digital nomad, a student, working or just need a place to get stuff done,...

All you need to know about healthcare allowance in the Netherlands [2023]

In the Netherlands, it is compulsory that everyone has health insurance. This sounds scary at first, especially...

7 ways buying a house in the Netherlands could save you money (wait what?)

Tired of throwing away your hard-earned cash on rent but not feeling wealthy enough to spend hundreds...