

There’s still plenty to do in Scheveningen in the fall!

So you're sitting in your rented home in Amsterdam wondering what to do with yourself. It's fall...

To the barbershop! Getting barbered in Rotterdam

Let's face it, Dutch men aren't the most attentive men when it comes to their appearance or...

These photos of Rotterdam and its sunsets will blow you away

At DutchReview, we have a real soft spot for the architecture of Rotterdam, pretty pics of it...

Ultimate guide to Schiphol: 10 Tips and Tricks for surviving Schiphol

Lines everywhere and corrupt taxi-drivers - you just might need this guide to Schiphol in order to...

Mondriaan and Rietveld: Finding ‘De Stijl’ in Amersfoort

Are you wondering what's up with all that yellow, blue and red you see when wandering through...

5 Tasty Hotspots in Rotterdam

Looking for delicious hotspots in Rotterdam? Say no more... KUA  Taco bar Good Mexican food, now that is something we...

Miniworld Rotterdam – A small & wonderful world

The largest indoor miniature world of the Netherlands is located in Rotterdam, and aptly named Miniworld Rotterdam....

War of the Bitterballen heats up in Utrecht

As you all know the Dutch like their bitterballen very much. These meaty balls with a potentially extremely hot...