Soon you’ll be able to fly from Schiphol without a passport or boarding pass

No passport OR boarding pass!?

Schiphol airport is planning on implementing facial recognition into its check-in procedures – meaning that people will be able to travel without a passport and a boarding pass. Great news if you’ve somehow managed to leave one at home.

Currently, they already use bio-metric scanners, which mean you only need to show your passport, but now it will be possible to get on the plane without both (as long as you remember to bring your face). You will then be tracked throughout your journey.

Accurate gif of me at the scanner


When will this happen?

There will first be an experiment and then it will be implemented next year. Thankfully if all goes well, this will save a LOT of time in the long run, so we won’t have to deal with those ridiculous queues in the airport at peak times.

You’ll be able to take part in the experiment soon. A few corridors will be open for this next year and you will have to register. It shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes. You can also opt to have your data deleted if it’s not for you.

Thank the lord for a shorter queue time!

What do you think about these? Let us know in the comments. 

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.
  1. useless system for return flights, you still need to come back and if the system isn’t implemented in the departure airport on the return leg you’re no better off. With Privium you’re through within 10 minutes after stepping into the airport

  2. If you check the video it’s about flying in the US without a passport and only domestic (not international) with a lot of screening and body and luggage checks.
    Just bring your passport, you also don’t do take a drive without your key? Or leave the door without your shoes?

  3. Biometric scanners? The promise to delete your personal data? Does Ms Brown actually believe this is for our own good? A very naive article. This is same mentality that praises chips in the hand or the brain.

    • Lol, I just provided an almost direct translation to the actual news.
      I don’t believe it’s good at all, but it’s not my place to say. Damned if you say your opinion, damned if you don’t.


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