7 ways Emma Sleep will make the hunt for your Dutch bed extra easy  

The search for a bed should be simple — and it can be. 💪

Powered byEmma Sleep

Finding a bed when you’ve just moved to the Netherlands can be stressful — you’ve got so many other things to do! However, even with your long list of tasks, you can find a bed quickly and easily with Emma Sleep. 

With various mattresses, beds, and accessories, you’ll find everything you need in one place. So there’s no need for you to waste time running between different cities and stores. 

1. You can buy a bed from the comfort of your bed

Life as an international is hectic when first settling in the Netherlands. Your days are filled with appointments, registration, and adjusting to the Dutch way of life. 

Stay home and order your bed from the comfort of your bedroom. Image: Emma Sleep

However, there’s one task that you don’t need to leave the comfort of your new home to complete: buying a new bed. 

In fact, you can lounge in your makeshift bed while you shop for your new one online. That’s right, by using Emma Sleep, you can simply order your preferred bed and mattress without the stress of going from shop to shop. 

2. You’ll get a good night’s rest without the stress (and a free trial)

Have you ever bought a bed after testing it in the store, only to have your back revolt after a few nights of using it?

Don’t settle for anything less than perfect when it comes to finding your bed. Enjoy a free trial! Image: Freepik

There’s only one way to know if you have the right bed for you — and that’s by sleeping in it for a while. Emma Sleep understands this, which is why they offer their customers a sleep trial that lets them test out their products at home for 100 nights

If your back doesn’t agree with the new mattress or you decide the bed doesn’t match your bedroom’s style, geen stress. Emma Sleep will collect it completely free and give you a full refund!

3. You won’t have to worry about death by Dutch stairs

We know what you’re thinking: you’re looking at the measurements of the bed, then looking at your door. 

How the heck are you going to get your new bed through there? In fact, how are you going to get it up those treacherous Dutch stairs?  😳 

All you have to do is make the bed! Image: Emma Sleep

Well, your mattress from Emma Sleep is conveniently packaged so you can fit your stately new bed into your narrow Dutch home.

READ MORE | Dutch Quirk #71: have impossible narrow and steep stairs in their houses

The mattress undergoes a special vacuum process that compresses it to fit into an easy-to-move cardboard box that you can simply carry up the stairs. 

Okay, but what about the bed or boxspring, you ask? Geen probleem. They’re delivered in multiple packages, which you assemble by following very simple steps. 

The result? You don’t have to worry about falling down your Dutch stairs, and you also don’t have to worry about your wallet taking a hit. Why? Free delivery, of course. 💪

4. You’ll have no lumps or bumps with a 10-year warranty

After worrying about finding the perfect bed and how it will be delivered, another fear might arise. Will you have to do all this again in just a few years? The answer is nee

You can stretch out knowing Emma Sleep offers a 10-year warranty. Image: Freepik

Emma Sleep offers a warranty of up to 10 years for their products. That means you can sleep nightmare-free, knowing that your cosy new bed will last for a decade or more. 

5. You can complete a quiz to get you the perfect pillow and mattress match

With all the different options for mattresses, beds, and pillows, choosing what’s best for you can be hard. Sometimes, we just want someone to take the decision out of our hands and tell us which choice to make.

Did we mention their huge range of pillows? Image: Emma Sleep

That’s where Emma Sleep’s quiz comes in handy. The two-minute quiz will help you find just what you’re looking for. All you have to do is choose a product category and answer a few simple questions.

How do you sleep? Do you prefer a soft or hard product? Even your budget is considered to yield a gezellig Emma product recommendation that fits your needs. The questions are in Dutch, but Google Translate will fix that in a jiffy.

You don’t just have to take the advice of the quiz. Certain Emma Sleep products are Consumer Association (consumentenbond) test winners — so you’ll know you’re getting the best sleep possible.

6. You won’t lose sleep with your customised mattress

You like a soft mattress, and your partner likes a hard mattress. Sure, compromise is important in a relationship, but one of you doesn’t have to spend nights tossing and turning — Emma Sleep has a solution for you.

Sometimes, your partner just needs their own side of the bed. Image: Emma Sleep

The Emma Hybrid II Adjustable mattress allows both of you to have sweet dreams by giving you both what you want. Each side of the mattress is customisable to the firmness that you prefer to keep each other happy. 

You know what they say: happy spouse, happy house.   

Psst… you can even get a comfy bed for your four-legged friend so that you have more space to spread out on your own mattress. 🐶

7. You can glam up your whole bedroom and enjoy a korting while you’re at it

There are a few items that you’re definitely going to need to complete your new bed in the Netherlands. Well, your dreams are about to come true because you can get everything you need from Emma Sleep.

Emma Sleep doesn’t just offer the bedroom basics but also the finishing flourishes! Image: Emma Sleep

Their super nifty bundles mean you can get everything you need to create the bed you’ve been wishing for and save up to 55% while you’re at it.

A mattress, bed, pillows, and duvet all in one — it’s a leuk solution for internationals who have just moved to the Netherlands and need somewhere to rest their heads (and fast). 

A cosy night huddled in bed is calling your name, and there’s a solution waiting to make your dreams a reality. 

From beds to accessories, or even something for your pet dog — Emma Sleep has your hunt for a bed covered.

How do you choose the best bed for you? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Emma Sleep
Simone Jacobs
Simone Jacobs
Originally from South Africa, Simone is having fun navigating the Dutch language, steep stairs, and bicycles (which she still manages to fall off of with her short, non-Dutch legs). An animal lover at heart, Simone can typically be found under her (growing?) mound of cats, where she uses the opportunity to read, write, and watch video compilations of creatures.

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What do you think?

  1. I have been waiting our bed and mattress for 5 months to deliver from Emma. I would not suggest if you expect quick delivery


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