Things people ask when you say you’re learning Dutch

We've heard this one before 🙄

So you’ve decided to start learning Dutch — good on you! Learning a new language is hard enough as it is, but people’s responses to your learning can be even more challenging.

I could quite comfortably write reams and reams on this topic. Therefore, I thought limiting myself wasn’t such a bad idea.

I am going to talk about five typical English responses and five Dutch responses you can expect when you tell someone you’re learning Dutch. 🤓

Typical responses from English-speakers

Hopefully, most English speakers are respectful and supportive when someone decides that they want to learn Dutch.

But sometimes they aren’t, and these are the possible things you might hear when you tell them about your language-learning adventure:

1. “Why?”

The standard English response to anything that is out of the ordinary: “Why do you want to do that?” “What’s the point?” Well, the point is that personal development is a choice and my choice is to do it via languages! The language I chose is Dutch. 🤷🏼‍♀️

“Why am I learning Dutch? Because I want to!” Image: Depositphotos

2. “That’s interesting.”

This is the response from any other multilingual person. I’ve noticed myself doing it when someone says they are learning Spanish or Hindi or any other language.

Is that meant to be sarcastic? Image: Depositphotos

I think there’s a mutual understanding of the struggles of learning a language that makes for a “That’s really interesting” response. Maybe you can share tips or experiences on your language-learning journey.

3. “What for?”

Similar to #1, people always assume there is some end goal. They are never happy with a response like “just because.” The standard expected answers are work or love.

READ MORE | An expats’ guide to learning the Dutch language

Most people think you are either learning Dutch for work or to impress a loved one. I have still not developed a good enough comeback to this kind of question. 😢

4. “Is that the same as German?”

This frustrates me. Dutch and German aren’t the same. Dutch is a Germanic language, BUT it isn’t German. To be honest, I was a little naive at first about Dutch, as there is some cross-over.

However, when you hear the two together, you’ll almost instantly notice that Dutch sounds much more soft and bouncy, whereas I always feel that German sounds more harsh.

5. “Say something in Dutch, then.”

The response of people that don’t believe you. It’s almost as if these people want to catch you out.

Me anytime someone asks me to speak Dutch with them. Image: Depositphotos

What should your response be? I end up going along the super predictable lines of “Hallo! Goedenmorgen, ik ben Maria. Hoe gaat het met jou?”

(Yes, that is my standard, on-the-spot, Dutch sentence. I have used it that many times, so people think that that is all I can say. 😕)

Responses from Dutchies

Dutch speakers can be even more intense when they hear that you’re learning their language.

Normally, you’d expect them to be impressed or flattered that you’re trying to learn a language that not many people speak — but that’s not always the case. Some Dutchies are just plain rude about it. 😤

1.”Why? Everyone here speaks English.”

This is a cop-out. I often get this response because some Dutchies like the fact that not many people speak their language. They can talk about you almost to your face, and you’d be none the wiser.

Sure, everyone speaks English here, but some people prefer a more native experience! Image: Pexels

This is sneaky, but I must admit I like it. I can’t wait to go on a package holiday and overhear a Dutch family and their secrets. It will feel like they are talking in a code only we know, and I can give them the node! (Or not, am I getting too carried away here?).

2. “Really? It is a super hard language to learn.”

That’s no reason not to bother, though, surely. Similar to the “Everyone speaks English” response, just because I don’t need it doesn’t mean it’s acceptable not to know the basic polite gestures.

READ MORE | How long does it take to learn Dutch?

In my experience, shop assistants like to have a small exchange of words at the till, and I like to leave the store knowing I’ve said my bit.

3. “That’s really good!”

This is from the nice, supportive Dutchies. They acknowledge the difficulty of learning the language, similar to the previous response, but they appreciate the commitment to learning something that sometimes feels unnatural.

4. “Say something in Dutch then”

Similar to the reasons I gave for the English response, the Dutch do the same, only this time they really do want to catch you out and correct your poor pronunciation.

I had the Dutch test of saying the word “Scheveningen” which is how Dutch people figured out whether someone was actually Dutch or German in World War II.

This has happened to me on more than one occasion. Or the best is when they say, “Say this then…” and then judge you on your delivery of an insult to someone.

The best thing on those occasions for me is that 80% of the time I know I’m saying something rude, so the joke is just as much on them as it is on me!

5. They carry on in a lightning round of Dutch ⚡

They start speaking Dutch quickly and expect you to fully understand everything that is being said by everyone, like a native. 🙄

There is either that response or, indeed, a pop quiz on all the hard words, similar to the previous response.

The quiz is partly malicious in that it expects you to get it wrong and embarrass yourself (that’s normally my response. I feel the colour rising in my cheeks, and all of a sudden, EVERYBODY is looking at me).

What responses have you received when you say you’re learning Dutch? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Maria Smith
Maria Smith
Born and raised in England Maria is a Dutch obsessive. Not just in love with the windmills and tulips her passion for all things Orange has spanned over 10 years. Proud feminist and campaigner, Maria works in UK politics whilst dreaming about eventually moving to the Netherlands.

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  1. I totally understand it…. and when I say something, the new joke is to say I sound like Maxima. Not even sure if it is a compliment or a offense.

  2. I lived in the Netherlands for about 11 months and of course also learned the language. I really like your article since I recognize a lot of your stories 😀 (like dutchies asking me why I’d learn dutch when everybody around there speaks english. Or once when I said Scheveningen in the right way they were so happy) even though I am german. Your last point on the dutch response is pretty much the best 😀

    • I think you really need to learn Dutch to be part of the community. For example it gets really boring going out with an entire group where everyone is Dutch except for you and they are all laughing and telling jokes on the top of their voices in Dutch while you sit in the corner.

  3. I think you assume a bit too much with Dutch number 4. Yeah, some people will have malicious intent, but most people are probably just curious what you can say or just want to encourage you to say something so they can compliment you (‘that sounds really good, keep going!’).

  4. Ah, Scheveningen! The story behind that one is probably that German people have some trouble saying that without immediately giving themselves away as German. There is a famous scene in the movie ‘Soldaat van Oranje’ where the main characters have to say Scheveningen to prove they are Dutch and not German spies.

  5. Soo Yeah Ofcourse we keep on talking in dutch.
    You told us you Can sprak our language Its easier for us then English (altough most of us speak English). Wouldn’t you do the Same if iT was the other way around?

    I Also know a few people who havent masterd speaking dutch But do understand everything we say. Thats really anoing i automaticly start speaking in german Or English to andere them?

  6. Yeah indeed, as Sylvia said, the Scheveningen-test was done in the war, to check whether they were impersonating the Dutch.

  7. When they try to be mean, I can’t help but be mean back at them. I say: well, i moved here with a highly skilled migrant visa, liked the place, bought a house in Amsterdam… and if I am staying for good, it’s respectful to learn the country’s official language. (I know the statistics about how difficult is for a Dutch with single income to buy a house here, even more difficult in Amsterdam). So I brag about having a 800K worth house. Sorry. LOL

  8. That’s why the king of Orange is not living in Scheveningen.
    Otherwise he would get that question all the time! ” being from German blood ” as the the national song goes.

  9. I always say I learnt chinese and it is harder, Dutch it not that hard. I also say I love learning languages and more that it is for free and being in the country where they speak the language. Not learning a language is simply mediocre


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