Look up! Spectacular meteor shower to grace Dutch skies this week

Make a wish! 💫

Pop December 14 and December 15 into your calendars and prepare for a night of meteor showers across the Netherlands!

If the skies are clear enough, you could see between 50 to 75 meteors per hour, reports Weeronline.

The Geminid Meteor shower

The best time to observe the Geminids will be around 12:45 AM on Friday, December 15, but the peak time for most meteors will be seven hours earlier, at around 5:30 PM on Thursday, December 14.

The meteor shower is best seen in a dark place with low light pollution. Cloudy skies may ruin the view, but it’s still unclear whether that will be the case on Thursday night.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed! 🤞💫

Will you check out to Geminids meteor shower? Tell us about it in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Katrien Nivera 🇵🇭
Katrien Nivera 🇵🇭
Third culture kid Katrien has been working as a writer and editor at DutchReview for over two years, originally moving to the Netherlands as a tween. Equipped with a Bachelor’s in communication and media and a Master’s in political communication, she’s here to stay for her passion for writing, whether it’s current Dutch affairs, the energy market, or universities. Just like the Dutch, Katrien lives by her agenda and enjoys the occasional frietje met mayo — she just wishes she could grow tall, too.


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