Going to the pub with coronavirus: Amsterdammer gets wrong test result

Not the way you want to end your night out — by finding out you have coronavirus. However, this was the reality for one 21-year-old Amsterdammer who wrongly received a negative test result before going partying on Saturday night.

Before heading out to a packed pub, he got tested at a “Testen voor Toegang” (Testing for Access) location in Amsterdam. An hour later, he received an email telling him his test was negative. “I met a lot of people, hugged a lot of people,” he told NH Nieuws.

A dreaded phone call

The morning after going out, you might expect to wake up next to a half-eaten kapsalon — but that wasn’t what this gentleman woke up to. Instead, at 9 AM on Sunday morning, he got a phone call from Covidia (the test provider) saying that his test result had been, in fact, positive.

READ MORE | Entry to events without testing? Yes, if you’re vaccinated

He said he felt guilty that he saw so many people while being infected. “I feel really bad that I reached out to extra people to meet up with. And that I now have to send people a message that I have corona.”

“A situation we must avoid”

A spokesperson from “Testen voor Toegang” has confirmed that on Saturday, two people tested positive at that test location and one person received an incorrect result. “These are situations that we must avoid,” they told NH Nieuws.

Are you surprised by the bumpy start for Testing for Access? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Feature Image: vverve/Depositphotos

Chloe Lovatt 🇬🇧
Chloe Lovatt 🇬🇧http://globeshuffler.wordpress.com
A British native, Chloe has a love for other languages and cultures, having lived in Spain before moving to the Netherlands. She is keen to explore the Dutch landscape, cultural spots and — the most important — food! After being here for a few months she already has developed a mild addiction to kibbeling.


  1. Surely the GGD need to get their act together! Also their track and trace system to check on people who travelled from high risk countries is abysmal! No one calls or visits to check people are quarantining. And no masks and open travel is another welcome invitation to delta variant. Hoi Delta in the Nederlands! 🙋🏼‍♀️


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