Code Yellow for part of the Netherlands: rain, wind, hail, and snow forecast

The couch is looking mighty tempting 🛋️

Get ready for miserable weather: rain, strong winds, and wet snow and hail are on the cards, and a Code Yellow weather warning has been called for the north and west.

We hope you enjoyed the sun yesterday (despite the disappointing election result) because today we get:

☔️ Rain
💨 Strong winds
🌨️ Wet snow
🌧️ Hail, and potentially
⚡️ Thunderstorms

What a beautiful range the Netherlands is showing us!

In between all that horrid weather, we might occasionally see that big ball of fire we call the sun.

However, as writes, “Maar echt lekker is het niet” (But it’s not really tasty). Despite the sun, the wind will make it feel colder than Geert Wilder’s approach to refugees.

Code Yellow

Meanwhile, if you’re in the north or west of the Netherlands, batten down the hatches: a Code Yellow is in force due to heavy gusts of wind.

That wind will be felt throughout the country, with gusts of up to 75 kilometres per hour expected.

If you’re on the coast, that can go to 90 kilometres per hour, with the north coast seeing gusts of up to 110.

Will the weather impact your weekend plans? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Freepik
Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Sam has over six years experience writing about life in the Netherlands and leads the content team at DutchReview. She originally came to the Netherlands to study in 2016 and now holds a BA (Hons.) in Arts, a BA (Hons) in Journalism, and a Masters in Teaching. She loves to write about settling into life in the Netherlands, her city of Utrecht, learning Dutch, and jobs in the Netherlands — and she still can’t jump on the back of a moving bike (she's learning!).



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