Dirt cheap flights to orange zones continue, cabinet searches for solutions

Flight competition during the coronavirus pandemic has led to extremely cheap flights within the European Union, many of which are heading to orange risk zones.

Unhappy with this, the cabinet has been investigating if there is a way to ban such cheap flights. They appointed Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen of Infrastructure and Water Management to look into it. Unfortunately, although she too finds these flights undesirable, she has determined that banning such flights is not possible.

No grounds for banning cheap flights

Van Nieuwenhuizen wrote to the House of Representatives explaining that there are no legal grounds for banning the cheap flights. This is mainly due to the companies’ right to competition, reports NU.nl.

Furthermore, the European Union allows the right to free movement and services. The Dutch government cannot block this free movement on the basis of public health, Van Nieuwenhuizen explained.

What the Minister has done though, is to write to the European Commission on the matter. She is calling for other EU states to look into how dirt cheap flights to high-risk zones can indeed be banned.

What do you think of cabinet’s attempts to ban cheap flights within Europe? Let us know in the comments below.

Feature Image: Ethan McArthur/Unsplash

Emily Burger
Emily Burger
Emily grew up in South Africa but has also lived in Egypt, the UK, Canada and now the Netherlands. She first came here for her Bachelors in Arts and Culture at Maastricht University and soon fell in love with the land of canals, clogs and cheese. When she's not daydreaming about sci-fi movies or countries yet to explore, you can find her writing for DutchReview.


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