Anyone who has gone through security at a Dutch airport knows the rush of relief when you realise there’s no 100ml limit on your liquids.
Well, we hate to break it to you, but that’s about to come to an end.
Yep, for a while there, travellers from the Netherlands enjoyed a sense of superiority. Did you accidentally leave a litre of water in your backpack? Geen probleem (no problem), there are no limits here!
“We’re not like other airports,” said the Dutch.
However, from September 1, you too will be that newb in the security line, chugging the contents of your water bottle.
New guidelines, old limits
Schiphol has announced that in order to meet the new guidelines brought in by the European Commission, Schiphol Airport, Eindhoven Airport, and Rotterdam The Hague Airport will be taking a step back in time.
Apparently when TSA asks if you have any fluids, "In my bladder" is not an appropriate response.— Fishy Snowboarder (@FishySnowborder) April 6, 2014
New equipment installed in 2019 allowed Dutch airports to safely ditch the 100ml liquid limit that most international airports enforce.
However, to get back in line with the rest of Europe, the 100ml cap will be brought back in — we’re all for European solidarity, but why does it have to be like this?
What do you think of this new (old) rule? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!