The Netherlands is trialing a bracelet that could detect coronavirus

A team of researchers at UMC Utrecht is testing a bracelet that could help detect symptoms of coronavirus at an early stage. 

The bracelet continuously measures body temperature and breathing, explains UMC Utrecht. A higher temperature, as well as coughing and breathlessness, are all symptoms that could indicate the presence of the coronavirus.

After Studio Roosegaarde’s Urban Sun which rids public spaces of coronavirus using UVC light, this bracelet is another impressive addition to the Netherlands’ collection of innovations

Certified device

Originally developed by Ava AG in Switzerland for women to track their ovulation, the bracelet is an already certified device. This is why the researchers of UMC Utrecht can get started with testing the wearable for coronavirus so quickly. 

Professor of clinical epidemiology at UMC Utrecht, Rick Grobbee, and his team have been brainstorming how to use this bracelet to detect coronavirus. In this next stage they’ll test the device on 40,000 people.

The aim is to start testing as soon as the number of infections goes up again. Grobbee expects that this could be in autumn. 

Who is it for?

Early detection of the virus is crucial for combating the global pandemic and the project received a subsidy of 10 million euros from the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). 

Grobbee hopes to have results concerning the effectiveness of the bracelet about six months after the start of the trial. “If this turns out to work, I imagine that this wearable will mainly be used by people from high-risk groups and healthcare workers,” he says.

Do you think this bracelet could play a role in managing the global pandemic? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

Feature Image: UMC Utrecht/Supplied

Jana Vondráčková 🇨🇿
Jana Vondráčková 🇨🇿
Originally from the Czech Republic, Jana moved to the Netherlands for her studies. She fell in love with the local biking culture, and you’ll see her drifting through the streets of Rotterdam on her pink bike even in the worst possible weather (think rain, snow, hail, or all three). Besides advocating for Rotterdam as the best Dutch city, she likes to wander around with a camera in her hand.


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