‘Queen Elizabeth’ and ‘Wordle’: here’s what Dutchies were Googling this year

The biggest Google searches in the Netherlands for 2022 have been released and it’s offering us a front-row seat to the mind of a Dutchie. 

You might think that your Google searches are more private than your diary, but let’s get real and accept that Google knows all.

It’s almost the end of the year, so it’s time to look back on the hottest search results of 2022 in the Netherlands. 

“Ukraine” topped the list

It’s probably not surprising for anyone that Dutch people spent a good portion of the year informing themselves about the latest invasion. One of the most popular searches was the war in Ukraine, according to RTL Nieuws.

Peace protest in Amsterdam Image: Depositphotos

Sex scandals and pop culture icons

The Voice scandal was one of the hottest search topics this year.

Confused and need a refresher? The original Dutch version of the popular red-chaired TV show was plagued with widespread allegations of sexual abuse of contestants

As a result, the alleged perpetrators and their relatives were among some of the most Googled this year. Show band leader and first to be accused, Jeroen Rietbergen, topped the list, and his ex-girlfriend, TV host Linda de Mol, was second.

Dutch rapper and The Voice judge, Ali B, was also subject to accusations, scoring him a place in the top 10. 

READ MORE: RTL suspends The Voice of Holland after sexual misconduct allegations

Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth’s death was the eighth most-searched phrase this year. 

Are you still watching? 

Streaming services also had a good year when it came to curious Dutchies. After the launch of HBO Max in the Netherlands and their huge social media campaign, Dutchies took to their keyboards to sign up.

READ MORE: Video streaming services in the Netherlands: the complete guide 

Meanwhile, Scandinavian-drama streamer Viaplay was the third most popular Google word in 2022 — apparently, those Dutchies can’t get enough of Norwegian films?

The king-pin of Dutch streaming services is Netflix. Image: Netflix

Let’s get ‘appy

Puzzle game Wordle was one of the popular apps of 2022 in the Netherlands, probably because we were all playing it while our flights and trains were delayed. 👀

But cast your minds back, dear readers, to January 2022 when COVID-19 regulations were in full swing. At the time, people in the Netherlands turned out in force to Google Testen Voor Toegang, the Dutch system to test before entering clubs, festivals, or events.

After that fun and crowded night, what was the next logical step? Search the quarantine rules of the Netherlands. That’s right, “Quarantaineregels” was the 10th most searched phrase in the Netherlands in 2022 (probably while the hungover partiers were holding their positive rapid test). 

We have a question

On top of these results, Nederlanders were curious about, well, a lot. Some of the top questions of the year included: 

  • What is Pentecost? 
  • What is a hermaphrodite? 
  • What is an oligarch? 
  • What is an NFT? 
  • What is Salmonella? 

The top 10 most-searched Google terms in 2022

2Jeroen Rietbergen
4Ali B
5Testen voor Toegang
6Jeffrey Dahmer
8Queen Elizabeth
9HBO Max

What do you think was your most Googled word this year? Tell us in the comments! 

Mihály Droppa
Mihály Droppa
Mihály fell in love with (and in) Amsterdam, so he quit his NGO job in Budapest and moved to Amsterdam to become a journalist. His apartment is full of plants and books, two dogs, and a random mouse in the kitchen. You might find him in Vondelpark, where he spends most of his life throwing tennis balls for his vizslas and listening to podcasts. His nickname is Mex — ask him why!


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