Suspected link between Dutch university shooter and victims revealed

Unearthed social media posts from the Rotterdam shooting suspect reveal hate and a racial slur after one victim previously reported him to the police, providing more insight into his motives.

A 39-year-old woman named Marlous, her 14-year-old daughter Romy, and 43-year-old teacher and general practitioner Jurgen Damen were killed in a shooting spree last Thursday.

The suspect, a 32-year-old student and Rotterdam resident called Fouad L., had a history of “psychotic behaviour” and previous convictions of animal abuse, reports the NOS.

Online complaints

So what was his relationship with the neighbours he allegedly shot and killed?

Apparently, Fouad L. was a source of many neighbourhood complaints and had a reputation for being a nuisance.

Marlous had reported Fouad L.’s behaviour to the police on several occasions, which L. wasn’t happy about — hence why he took to online forums, including 4Chan, to complain.

In addition to that, L.’s posts about his neighbour allegedly referred to her by a racist term to criticise her interracial relationship.

Arson, as well as murder

As for the crime committed last Thursday, The Public Prosecution Service suspects L. of not only all three murders, but also two counts of arson and the illegal possession of firearms.

Why arson? Well, after shooting the 39-year-old Marlous and 14-year-old Romy in their home on Heiman Dullaertplein, L. apparently set fire to his own house on the same street.

On the same day, the suspect also shot and killed 43-year-old teacher and general practitioner Jurgen Damen, before setting fire to the Erasmus Medical Center as well.

Suspect in custody for two more weeks

It has not yet been determined which of these suspected crimes L. will actually go on trial for.

Today, the examining magistrate decided that L. won’t leave police custody for at least another two weeks.

Translation: “The man suspected of killing 3 people in Rotterdam has just been brought before the RC. He will remain in custody for an additional 14 days.”

The suspect is also in complete isolation and may only be in communication with his lawyer.

On top of all this, Fouad L. has been evicted from his residence — which he had €3,000 in outstanding rent for.

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Ellen Ranebo
Ellen Ranebo
As someone half Swedish and half Irish who has lived in the Netherlands, the UK, and attended an American School, Ellen is a cocktail of various nationalities. Having had her fair share of bike accidents, near-death experiences involving canals, and miscommunications while living here (Swedish and Dutch have deceptively similar words with very different meanings), she hopes to have (and document) plenty more in future.


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