Dutch ‘virus truth’ leader released but has to stay off social media

Willem Engel, the Dutch face of the anti-coronavirus measures movement, has been released from prison after his arrest earlier this month.

Engel was temporarily locked up for incitement. Specifically, Engel was accused of spreading medical misinformation and calls for revolt against standing coronavirus measures on social media. 😷

For now, Engel is free but the court in Rotterdam has decided that he must not post on his social media channels, reports the NOS.

Arrested for incitement

Engel was arrested in Rotterdam on March 16. The charge? At least 7 social media posts were calling for revolt against the Dutch government and standing coronavirus measures, says the Public Prosecution Service (OM).

For example, Engel asked his followers to take pictures of healthcare workers that give out the coronavirus vaccine. Self-evidently without consent.

“These messages have incited other people to be edged on or commit criminal acts,” states the OM.

And it wasn’t just the OM who wanted to see Engel arrested. The call to arrest Willem Engel was based on a petition signed by 22,000 Dutch citizens in January this year.

What do you think about Willem Engel being set free? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image: Vocast/Wikimedia Commons/CC3.0

Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara moved to the Netherlands at fifteen and she is here to stay! After all, there is so much to love about it, except maybe the bread (as every German will tell you). Next to finishing up her bachelor's degree in European politics (dry), Cara loves to do yoga, swim, and cook delicious veggie food.


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