The Netherlands now gets more rain than EVER before

Remember when we had no rain for a month? Well, it looks like we’re now heading to the other extreme and 2023 might just be the wettest year in recent history.

That’s no surprise as, thus far, 2023 has really been a moody year: first, it rained too little, then far too much.

And the rest of November and December? They’re also expected to be pretty rainy, even by Dutch standards. Wat leuk… 🫠

Another record broken

The rainiest year ever in the Netherlands was 1998. But the way things are going, the KNMI thinks 2023 might take home the new top spot.

READ MORE | Finally: RAIN coming to the Netherlands after record-breaking dry spell

For you maths folks who love numbers: 2023 had 20% more rain than the average year in the past century. If December is as rainy as November has been… well, let’s just say there’s a lot of water headed our way. 😳

Bad news for farmers

Although the rain might just annoy us while we bike to our office jobs, it’s far more consequential for farmers. With all the rain pelting down, it becomes impossible to harvest because the fields are too wet.

So it’s in all of our best interest that the rain eases up a little. Let’s hope 2023 becomes familiar with the concept of moderation.

What’s your take on all this rain headed our way? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Julia de Oliveira Moritz
Julia de Oliveira Moritz
Júlia was born in Brazil, but she’s been away for more than half her life. At five years old, she moved to Nigeria, and at 14, she came to the Netherlands. She came for her education and stayed for… something. She’s not sure if that something is the vibrant springtime or the live music bars. All she knows is that this is her new home, at least for now.



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