Brr! Dutchies keep their thermostat lower than anywhere else in Europe (and we’re not surprised)

It’s official! The Dutchies keep their thermostat at the lowest of any European country, with an average indoor temperature of just 18.04°C. 

When the energy crisis started, the Dutchies immediately understood the assignment — they’d trained for it for years.

Rising to the challenge, no less than 84% of households lowered their heating compared to the previous winter season by an average of 1°C, RTL Nieuws reports. 

In comparison, Spaniards cut their average temps by just 0.29°C, while gas-rich Norwegians dropped by 0.2°C to a cosy 20.8°C.

Who is freezing the most?

The thermometers of the province of Utrecht are showing the biggest temperature drop compared to the end of 2021, with 85% of households lowering their thermostat. 

READ MORE: Amsterdam launches plan to help poorest households reduce energy bills

Meanwhile, the coldest houses are in Groningen, where the average household is only 17.56°C. Brr! 🥶

Google knows it all

Thanks to the increased use of smart thermostats, data shows who follows the cabinet’s advice to set the thermostat no higher than 19 degrees during the day and 15 degrees at night.

In fact, Dutchies are loving smart thermostats with more and more wanting to pay increased attention to their heating habits. 

The number of proud new smart thermostat owners increased by 32% this season. Honeywell is the most popular brand, followed by Toon and Google Nest. 

READ MORE: It’s a miracle: this Dutch energy company is lowering its prices in January

At what temperature are you keeping your thermostat this winter? 

Feature Image:Freepik
Mihály Droppa
Mihály Droppa
Mihály fell in love with (and in) Amsterdam, so he quit his NGO job in Budapest and moved to Amsterdam to become a journalist. His apartment is full of plants and books, two dogs, and a random mouse in the kitchen. You might find him in Vondelpark, where he spends most of his life throwing tennis balls for his vizslas and listening to podcasts. His nickname is Mex — ask him why!


  1. We’re in the UK, Yorkshire and our home is kept at a constant 17.5c. We believe any warmer is unhealthy, my partner and I work in offices where the temperature is a sweltering 25c plus and colleagues are sat in coats and scarves with hot water bottles…how is that healthy? We feel that the cooler temperature at home offsets both the effect of stepping outside and helps our immune systems as we’re both disabled with chronic health conditions yet rarely poorly with colds/flu.

  2. That is because our Gas prices are among the heighest of the world! Food also rise 40-50% in price. The house itself doubled or tripled in price, rent/interest rate. While our income doesnt raise….

  3. I literally don’t know anybody who has it on 18°C, and thinking this is the normal temperature here is just dumb. The low average is probably caused by people who have completely turned off their furnaces in the past year because they couldn’t afford the gas bill anymore …


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