Surprise, surprise! NS will operate fewer trains from November 7

NS announces fewer trains running during off-peak hours and fewer intercity trains overall, starting from November 7.

Our old friend, the NS (of the continuous train strike fame), will be cutting even more trains next month, reports

Their latest move is not moving

Several routes throughout the country will have fewer trains than usual, due to the NS’ ongoing staff issue.

Being the gift that keeps on giving, the rail company also warns travellers that this is the reason some trains may be cancelled at the last minute. Hoera, wat leuk!

Translation: I really hate the NS sometimes. Signal failure between Amersfoort Centraal and Utrecht Centraal. Meanwhile, we’ve been standing still at Amersfoort Centraal for over 45 minutes, and only one train that was standing next to us has left. I want to go home, and the train is just getting more full.

This move (or lack thereof!) is in line with further changes that the NS plans to implement come December 11.

The NS is driving politicians up the wall

At a time when even the trains that do run are overcrowded, the rail company’s plans have got them a lot of criticism.

In fact, one party lighting a fire under the NS’ bum is none other than the Tweede Kamer (the Dutch Parliament). 🔥

The rail company was even asked to defend itself during a hearing this Wednesday, where MPs royally let them have it.

Echoing what all of us have been thinking for ages, the MPs asked why the NS couldn’t simply have more wagons on the few trains that run. The rail company dismissed their questions on the basis of security concerns.

Lots of talking, no action

These staff shortages have been an ongoing issue for many months.

Commercial Director, Tjalling Smit, even admitted that the company thought that their staff woes would have been far easier to solve than they turned out to be.

As a result, the NS waited for too long before taking action.

Look, we’re not calling you incompetent, but if the shoe fits…👠

A resolution may be in sight

We’re trying not to be too hopeful (this is the NS we’re talking about), but there could be improvements on the horizon.

The company reported that new employees have been recruited, and are currently being trained.

They expect that the situation will be resolved once these workers are fully trained and can pick up the slack.

What do you think of the NS’ latest “surprise” for us? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana juggles her role as an Editor with wrapping up a degree in cognitive linguistics and assisting with DutchReview's affiliate portfolio. Since arriving in the Netherlands for her studies in 2018, she's thrilled to have the 'write' opportunity to help other internationals feel more at home here — whether that's by penning an article on the best SIMs to buy in NL, the latest banking features, or important things to know about Dutch health insurance.


  1. NS is holding the government and commuters hostage with these shenennigans.
    as a consequence, commutes are taking longer, motorways are getting busier at a time employers are demanding staff to return to office work full time.

    NS should be nationalised and run under the ministry of transport, at a loss if necessary – just like in switswerland.

  2. This is a serious issue that affects so many. For such high ticket prices it is completely absurd that the trains cannot be relied on.


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