Weather this week in the Netherlands is looking up (then down again)

Don’t let this morning’s rain get you down; according to Weerplaza, the weather in the Netherlands over the next few days promises to get warmer, with a hopeful high of 19 degrees Celcius on Friday!

Today (Tuesday)

Today’s forecast for weather in the Netherlands is a nice mix of rain and drizzle. How lovely. It should dry up over the afternoon though as the temperature stays around 15 degrees Celcius. With a strong wind coming from the northwest, the majority of the country will be cloudy, so pop on your favourite cardi and perhaps a warm hat if you’re feeling particularly funky.


Tomorrow – let there be light!! After a short shower in the morning, the sun will show face a few times during the day, a bit like an angsty teenager. Other than that, weather in the Netherlands stays relatively the same temperature as Tuesday (15 degrees Celcius), so keep on those extra layers to protect you from the chill of that looming Northwest wind.

weather in the Netherlands
Weather Forecast by Weerplaza


The sun is emerging more and more each day. With temperatures rising to 17 or 18 degrees Celcius, you can expect nicer walks and cycle rides during your daytime routine (rather than the drowned rat look we all had arriving to work earlier in the week). And only a 10% chance of rain – huzzah!


Hallelujah! With almost no clouds in sight, the sun is (hopefully) here – we’re talking 20 degrees of regional warming. Make sure you’ve got some great plans for that TGIF feeling as the weather brings a sunny Autumnal glow across the Dutch buildings and in through your window.


Okay, so the weather in the Netherlands this weekend looks a little rainier, but it stays mostly warm on Saturday (with an expected temperature of 18 degrees Celcius). Let’s stay positive; there might even be a (double?) rainbow if we’re lucky…


Aaaand we are back to stereotypical Netherlands weather: clouds and rain. The end of the week dips to about 14 degrees Celcius. You might want to keep a raincoat handy because there is a 30% chance of a downpour. A perfect excuse to make Sunday a pajama day and spend it at home in bed – or if you need to run some final errands before Monday, make sure you wrap up in a scarf and keep those colds at bay.

That’s all we have this week about the weather forecast in the Netherlands, told in cute illustrations. How will you take advantage of the mid-week sun? Let us know in the comments below.

Abigail Claire
Abigail Claire
Abbie, a writer from the UK, fell in love with the Netherlands when she was three years old. When she’s not spending her free time painting canals or playing the guitar, she’ll be off travelling somewhere (and probably getting lost).


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