This week: Temperatures in the mid-20’s for the Netherlands!

I bring you DutchReview readers fantastic news this week. It seems as if the summer has made an early appearance, with temperatures reaching the mid-20’s throughout the whole of the week! And guess what? We won’t even be seeing any clouds in the sky either. (Why oh why do most of us have to be at work…)

I’m sweating… not used to these temperatures in NL…


Today is by far the worst day of the week – and it’s not even that shabby. You may have noticed that it was quite overcast this morning, but that is beginning to clear, making way for some sunny spells. Temperatures have a high of 18 degrees.


Tomorrow it’s beginning to warm up in prep for the rest of the week. It’s a clear, sunny and dry day, with temperatures reaching the 20s for some of us.


It’s starting to get warm in here! Temperatures reach well into the 20s on Wednesday – with no chance of clouds and definitely no rain. It’s going to be a glorious day! Temperatures will drop to 9 degrees celcius in the night.

Source: Weerplaza


Thursday is going to be an amazing day! Lots of weather apps say different, but Apple says it’s going to be 26 degrees for most of us, with Weerplaza predicting between 23 – 24 degrees celcius. What a lovely hot day regardless. No chance of rain or clouds and temperatures will drop to 11 degrees celcius in the night.


Friday is very similar to Thursday – a beautiful, hot and sunny day. Temperatures will reach 23 degrees celcius (and higher). Again, no chance of clouds or rain. Temperatures will go as low as 11 degrees celcius in the night.


I bring good news (and very slight bad news). The weather is going to stay lovely the sunny, but the temperatures are going to drop by at least 5 degrees (so not so hot now). So we’re going to be sweating at work all week and then when we don’t mind, it’s getting cooler. Urgh. Nevermind, we’ll keep you update as the week draws to an end.

Don’t forget to wear some sun screen, you’re going to get burnt this week 😉

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Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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