Amsterdam has the most expensive on-street parking in the world

Amsterdam is getting recognition after recognition. Last month it was named the safest city in Europe and last week it was announced that the Dutch capital is the 25th most visited city in the world. Today’s recognition? Well, the Dutch capital has some of the most expensive parking in the world. Yes, you read that correctly… in the entire globe. 

How does the Dutch capital compare with other cities?

Parkopedia’s 2019 Global Parking Index report shows that Amsterdam is the most expensive city for 2-hour on-street parking. The average cost being $14.61 (US dollars). This coverts to roughly €7.50 per hour in the city centre and six euros per hour in surrounding neighbourhoods.

The Dutch capital’s two-hour rate is even a few euros more expensive than parking in Paris, even near hotspots such as the Eiffel Tower, NL Times reports.  

But the most expensive off-street parking was New York and not Amsterdam, which costs an average of US$34.94. London also ha the most expensive daily and monthly off-street parking and Australia has the most expensive daily parking overall.

If you’re heading to Amsterdam, park in a carpark and not on the street

Parkopedia’s study showed parking in an Amsterdam carpark is often must cheaper than street parking. Carparking in the Dutch capital were only the 13th most expensive in the world.

Considering driving to Amsterdam? Perhaps you better look at trains instead, unless you can park at a friends place! 

Feature image: Jorge Franganillo/Flickr 

Freya Sawbridge
Freya Sawbridge
Freya was born in Edinburgh but raised in New Zealand (cue every person she meets saying “oh I have always wanted to go there but it’s so far away!”). A restless and curious nature has led her to move countries 5 times in the last 3 years in attempt to find a place she can call home. She contacted DutchReview on a whim and arrived in the Netherlands in summer 2019 to start her internship.


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