Tilburg’s LocHal Named One of the Top Four Best Libraries in the World

One of my favourite ways to spend time is to go to a library because it’s one of the last few public spaces where you can spend hours on end without being expected to spend money. The LocHal in Tilburg is one such library, and it has just been named as the second-best library in the world by the IFLA Best Public Library of the World Awards, reports Brabant Dagblad!

Sadly, it did not secure the first position and was beat out by the Oodi Library in Helsinki. However, it did beat the Green Square Library and Plaza in Australia and the Turanga Christchurch Central Library in New Zealand.

But I can tell you that regardless of its position, this library has a special charm to it. It is a repurposed old locomotive hall which is now a popular gathering place for students, young professionals, and families alike. It is a damn shame that it did not win, but ranks and numbers are not everything! This library is very close to Tilburg Central Station.

We loved the library so much that we made another video in collaboration with YouTube artist Levi Hildebrand! It’s not just about the public library, but also how the city of Tilburg is leading the way in finding new purposes for old buildings.

If you want to make a day out of going to Tilburg and curious about the sites, then don’t forget to check out the nature in Tilburg, the many museums there, and the various cultural events happening all throughout the year!


Kavana Desai
Kavana Desaihttps://medium.com/@kavanadesai
Coping with the aftermath of her 3-year stint in the Netherlands, Kavana is a writer, content creator and editor for DutchReview. Hailing from India, she frequently blogs about the Netherlands, being Indian in the Netherlands, and everything in between. She envisions herself to one day be the youngest person to win that Nobel Prize for Literature (she is also not very humble but welcomes only constructive criticism). In the meantime, she fills her days with writing for DutchReview, writing her master's thesis on art theft, and writing fiction that will hopefully see the light of day soon.


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