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Museumnacht010 in Rotterdam! Here are 5 events you shouldn’t miss!
What is the Museum Night in Rotterdam (museumnacht010)?
Museumnacht010 in Rotterdam is that night of the year where...
The Euromast: does the highest point also give you the best view?
The Euromast: one of the most iconic Rotterdam highlights. Also, so ingrained into the Rotterdam skyline, that...
Day Trips
5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Rotterdam Right Now
Why should I visit Rotterdam?
So maybe you've toured Amsterdam to death and looking for another large city...
Five Hotspots in Rotterdam (we’re lunching now as well!)
In our quest for bringing you the finest, tastiest, trendiest and booziest hotspots in Rotterdam we now...
To the barbershop! Getting barbered in Rotterdam
Let's face it, Dutch men aren't the most attentive men when it comes to their appearance or...
Photo Report
These photos of Rotterdam and its sunsets will blow you away
At DutchReview, we have a real soft spot for the architecture of Rotterdam, pretty pics of it...
5 Tasty Hotspots in Rotterdam
Looking for delicious hotspots in Rotterdam? Say no more...
KUA Taco bar
Good Mexican food, now that is something we...
Miniworld Rotterdam – A small & wonderful world
The largest indoor miniature world of the Netherlands is located in Rotterdam, and aptly named Miniworld Rotterdam....