Dutch Quirk #35: Put public urinals in the middle of busy streets

HomeUltimate List of Dutch QuirksDutch Quirk #35: Put public urinals in the middle of busy streets

Picture this: you’re taking a delightful walk through a classic Dutch city, completely mesmerized by the canal houses when all of a sudden: yep, that’s a man peeing.

In many countries, a man relieving himself in the middle of a busy city shopping street during the day would garner cries of outrage, disgust, and unspecified objects flung in his general direction.

In the Netherlands? It’s just a regular day!

In fact, these open urinals are placed and paid for by municipalities — and they’re seriously gross. If you don’t see them at first, don’t worry — you’ll smell them. 🤢

What is it?

Put simply, open urinals are placed in various busy areas in some Dutch cities.

They can have a curved design where you can see the feet of the person peeing and often their jet stream, too.

What a picturesque view for a pee (and a less picturesque view for everyone else around). Image: CreativeFamily/Depositphotos

There’s also a common plastic design where the entire back of the pee-er is visible.

See Anne Frank house? Check! Take a canal boat ride? Check! Pee with all of your mates? Check! Image: Phototraveller/Depositphotos

Why do they do it?

Because when you gotta go, you gotta go.

No matter if it’s a confronting sight, is only for men, and smells really gross.

Why is it quirky? 

Ahem, well, every urinal effectively caters to just half of the population.

Besides it being totally Middle-Ages-style to pee in the middle of a shopping street, there is of course one main problem: women can’t really pee standing up.

So why a urinal instead of a public toilet? Well, when the urinals were first implemented the urinal committee (yes, it existed) decided that men typically have their work on the street, so they would need it most.

READ MORE | Why are there no public toilets in the Netherlands?

When some kind soul stepped in and said, “Hmm, why not have an option that caters to both men and women” the idea was quashed.

Lockable toilets with four walls were deemed too expensive and could hide people committing lewd acts. (So now we get to see people pee instead, very much an improvement).

The right to pee

Of course, women with bladders (a.k.a. an overwhelming majority of women) felt like this wasn’t entirely fair.

In 1970, one Dutch woman fought for the right to pee (plasrecht) by tying pink ribbons on Amsterdam urinals.

READ MORE | I had to pay €4 to use a toilet on King’s Day — and I’m pissed

Then, in 2017 another woman went all the way to court to protest against receiving a fine for public urination when she didn’t have another option. (The judge decided that she could have peed in a urinal [but how?!] and, to be honest, we’re still mad.)

Should you join in? 

Ugh, no thanks. We’re done with seeing the butt cracks of men and the streams of wee when we’re going out for a coffee. This is one Dutch quirk that has gotta go.

What do you think of this Dutch quirk? Have you experienced it? Tell us in the comments below!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺https://gallivantations.com
Sam has over six years experience writing about life in the Netherlands and leads the content team at DutchReview. She originally came to the Netherlands to study in 2016 and now holds a BA (Hons.) in Arts, a BA (Hons) in Journalism, and a Masters in Teaching. She loves to write about settling into life in the Netherlands, her city of Utrecht, learning Dutch, and jobs in the Netherlands — and she still can’t jump on the back of a moving bike (she's learning!).


  1. Americans always seem to think they know what’s best for everyone else. I am an American and lived in the Netherlands for 13 years and enjoyed every minute of it. Most Americans need to travel, see the world and quit telling the rest of the world what is right

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